ブラックレイヴンジョージZucco (1943)

ブラックレイヴン (1943) です “B” 株式会社の解放生産者からのフィルム (中国). ジョージ・ズッコはレイヴンことエイモス・ブラッドフォードを演じる, ブラックレイブンインの所有者. ブラッドフォードは、荒れ狂う雷雨に予想外のゲストの数をホストしてしまう. 嵐はすべてのブリッジを洗浄し、すべての訪問者を一本している, which include a couple trying to elope, her wealthy father, who has chased them down, an embezzler, a gangster and various other players.

Bradford seems to be connected with several of the visitors through his mysterious past. An intruder is also prowling around the grounds. What will happen before the night is through? フィルム (affiliate link) is a tight one hour and Zucco delivers a typical but extremely good performance as The Raven.


George Zucco in a Fog Island still from the Public Domain

George Zucco played in a number of these films through out the 1940s. His distinctive way of speaking made him a natural in playing urbane bad men, professors and other mystery men. He primarily appeared in mystery or horror films. Zucco appeared in over 96 films between 1931 と 1951. He retired do to ill health.

Despite tawdry rumors, Zucco did not die in an insane asylum and his wife and daughter did not commit suicide. He died at 74 from pneumonia. His wife died in 1999 年齢で 99. His daughter died of cancer at age 30.

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