George Zucco hauv lub dub Raven (1943)

Dub Raven (1943) yog ib tug “B” zaj duab xis ntawm Producers tso Corporation (PRC). George Zucco plays Amos Bradford aka the Raven, tus tswv ntawm qhov dub Raven Inn. Bradford tas lawm pem hosting ib tug xov tooj uas tau npaj txhij txog qhua vim nroo raging. Cov cua daj tau ntxuav tawm rau tag nrho cov txuas hniav thiab tso tseg tag nrho cov qhua, uas muaj ob peb ua rau koj tsis pom zoo, nws txiv thiaj, leej twg muaj caum pab xwb, ib embezzler, ib gangster thiab ntau lwm players.

Bradford pom lawm hais tias muaj kev cob cog rua cov qhua txog nws mysterious dhau lawm ntau. Tau ib intruder prowling nyob ib ncig ntawm qhov chaw pib. Yuav ua li cas ua ntej hmo mas? Naam (affiliate link) is a tight one hour and Zucco delivers a typical but extremely good performance as The Raven.


George Zucco hauv ib kob huab tseem los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

George Zucco ua si nyob rau cov films mus tawm lub 1940s. Nws txoj kev yus cov lus ua nws ib natural nyob ua si txiv neej phem urbane, professors thiab lwm tus txiv neej tsis. Nws feem ntau nyob hauv tsis los ntshai heev films. Zucco appeared in over 96 films ntawm 1931 thiab 1951. Retired nws ua kom cov neeg kho mob.

Dua li ntawm tawdry xaiv, Zucco yeej tsis tuag rau ib tug nyob nraim yeej ncuab insane thiab nws tus poj niam thiab ib tug ntxhais twg tsis kuas nyuas siv zug yus tua yus. Nws tuag thaum 74 ntawm hlab ntsws. Nws tus poj niam tau tuag hauv 1999 thaum muaj hnub nyoog 99. Nws tus ntxhais mob cancer tuag thaum hnub nyoog 30.

Koj puas xav ntawm no zaj duab xis zoo li cas? Yog koj impressions txog George Zucco dab tsi thiab ua tau koj pom nws ua ntej? Koj tuaj tawm tswv yim lossis nug ib lo lus nug hais txog qhov no lossis muaj nqe lus hauv qab no saib hauv qab no lossis rau ntawm kuv Facebook phab los sis Twitter profile.

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