格特鲁德·亨利埃塔 “它” Mosblech (1911-1993)

上周六, 七月 15, 1911, 爱德华和马格达莱纳Mosblech迎来了他们的第三个孩子, 格特鲁德·亨丽埃塔Mosblech, 走向世界. “格特大妈” 出生于圣. 路易, 密苏里州, 第三个最古老的14个孩子. “格特大妈” 持有Mosblech家族史一个特殊的地方,她的温暖, joy and affection for her many nieces, nephews, great nieces and great nephews.

We called her our great-aunt but the genealogy term is grand-aunt. Aunt Gert was grand. She lived in the same four family flat that we did in the 1970s, so we saw her every day. Even though she was in her sixties, she always had time for us kids. She never tried to brush us off and enjoyed when we come over and watch television with her.


姑妈 “它” 和我的母亲在20世纪50年代.

Aunt Gert did not have the easiest time in life. When she was younger, she did not learn as quickly as her siblings. While her siblings went to work after they graduated eighth grade, Aunt Gert stayed home and helped Great Grandma take care of the house. When Great Grandma died in 1945, Aunt Gert continued to take care of the house.

Great Grandpa was going to take care of Aunt Gert in his will. 然而, Eduard remarried in 1946 and all his money went to his new wife upon his death in 1956.

Aunt Gert worked cleaning houses until she fell down some steps, when she was in her 50s. She could not work any longer and went on Social Security Disability. The disability payments were not enough to cover her expenses, so most of her brothers and sisters chipped in each month to take care of her living expenses.

Aunt Gert lived on the second floor of our flat for a long time until the lady downstairs moved out. We were able to move her downstairs. While she lived on the second floor, my mom always worried about her falling down the steps, so she used to take stuff downstairs for her. Mom would walk down the stairs with Aunt Gert, whenever she saw her coming downstairs.

Aunt Gert had lots of reasons to be bitter but I don’t ever remember her complaining. She always seemed so happy whenever we would go see her. I think she did get lonely at times but I never saw bitterness in her. I used to think Aunt Gert was Mom’s godmother but it was actually Aunt Dolores. Mom said that when she was growing up, Aunt Gert was always the cousin’s favorite aunt. They told her they were going to call her “Aunt Trudy” and Aunt Gert got the biggest kick out of it.

Aunt Gert loved to talk and could not keep a secret. 我的祖母, who was Aunt Gert’s younger sister, used to say Aunt Gert was the biggest gossip in the family, which is covering a lot of ground. When I inadvertently shared this information with Aunt Gert, she asked Grandma if she said it. My grandmother did not lie and stated, “是, 格特鲁德. You are the biggest gossip in the family.” They talked it out though and Aunt Gert wasn’t mad. Grandma was always protective of Aunt Gert. Grandma would not speak to one of her brothers, who did not help with Aunt Gert’s care.


<跨度bbox_x =“244”bbox_y = 823“bbox_w =”60“bbox_h =”20“的fsize =”14“fweight =”3“红=”255“绿色=”255“蓝色=”255“阿尔法”, Mom and Aunt Gert (Grandma and Aunt Gert Are In Heaven Today)

在 1980, 我的父母离婚了. Aunt Gert ended up being our babysitter every once in a while. 正确的圣诞节前 1980, 爸爸让我们知道,他是如何再婚. My younger sisters and I were really struggling with the changes and Christmas was coming up. Aunt Gert was going to watch us while Mom went shopping. 她不停地在谈论我们如何去观看的圣诞电影,晚上.

圣诞电影是在我脑海的最后一件事. 说实话, 我真的没有把太多的股票在她的代言. 当我们走过去那一夜, 她有固定我们的爆米花. 电视上的电影,她曾大肆宣传的那么多了 白色圣诞 (1954). It was everything that she said. 对于那些2小时, 我们忘记了我爸的婚礼即将举行,再次感受到了圣诞精神.

这部电影正好对症下药. 为了这一天, 它仍然是我最喜欢的圣诞电影. 尽管通过 30 岁月, 我至今仍清晰地记得看这部电影,她那一夜, eating popcorn, and her joy at how much we got into the movie.

在 1981, my mom remarried. We moved across town to Dad’s old house on Villa Avenue. In the late 1980s, Aunt Gert could no longer live on her own. Even though she lived in a care facility, one of her siblings would pick her up and bring her to the family reunions. She still remembered everyone and we were so happy to see her. She just had difficulty getting around and eventually was wheel chair bound.

周一, 二月 1, 1993, Gertrude Henrietta Mosblech passed away at 81 岁. She outlived a number of her young siblings including my grandmother. 她被安葬在圣. Peter’s and Paul’s Cemetery on February 3, 1993.
