Gotch Bests Bulgarian
四月 14, 1909, World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Frank Gotch met Yussif Mahmout, a skilled Bulgarian wrestler, 在芝加哥, Illinois for his title. 球迷們認為馬哈茂特是一個艱難的挑戰者,主要是因為他們沒有看過他摔跤.
埃米爾·克蘭克, 戈奇的經紀人, 說服像 Mahmout 和 Stanislaus Zbyszko 這樣的外國摔角手前往美國挑戰 Gotch. 事實證明,球迷願意花錢觀看他們的統治冠軍對陣海外挑戰者衛冕冠軍.
雖然丹蓋博的粉絲可能會對戈奇作為美國最偉大摔角手的地位持異議, 毫無疑問,戈奇作為一名合法的美國職業摔角手的誠意. Strong with good size, 戈奇在訓練師的指導下成長為強大的技師, 馬丁 “農民” 伯恩斯.
Unlike his foe George Hackenschmidt, who relied on his great strength, Gotch 使用了提交保留 (抓摔角中的鉤子) 就像他贏得一場又一場比賽的致命立足點. 不太為人所知的是戈奇使用半尼爾森和胯部握持的組合來壓制眾多對手.
根據, Yussif Mahmout was born Ibrahim Hergelecki in Bulgaria during 1862. The 47-year-old Mahmout stood 6’01” 稱重 220 英鎊. 尤西夫·馬哈茂特參加了至少六十一場職業摔角比賽. 馬哈茂特贏了其中 40 場比賽,只輸了 16 場. The other five bouts ended as draws or no contests.
Even in middle age, 馬哈茂特保持著令人印象深刻的肌肉體格. 然而, 他的肌肉在與巔峰時期的弗蘭克·戈奇的比賽中並沒有幫助他.
When the men squared off in Chicago, Ed Wallace Smith, the sporting editor of the Chicago American, again officiated the bout. After his performance in the first Gotch-Hackenschmidt bout 後來讀了他關於法蘭克‧戈奇的書, 我永遠不會允許史密斯執法涉及戈奇的比賽. In this match, it wouldn’t matter who officiated.
The men met in the center of the ring. Mahmout immediately tried to bowl Gotch over with his strength. Gotch, who weighed about fifteen pounds less than Mahmout successfully resisted this tactic.
After three minutes, Gotch secured Mahmout’s leg and took him to the ground. 一旦比賽開始, Mahmout displayed little technical ability.
戈奇通常會確保立足點,但出於某種原因, he decided to go to one of his other favorite techniques, 由於戈奇在比賽前同意的一項規定,半尼爾森和胯部保持. Mahmout insisted on wrestling in bare feet, which violated the rules of catch-as-catch-can wrestling. Gotch initially would not yield to the Bulgarian’s preference. After Mahmout agreed to forfeit $500 of his purse to Gotch, 戈奇同意馬哈茂特赤腳摔跤.
事實證明,流汗的腿更難鎖腿, 所以戈奇用他的另一個寵物把馬哈茂特翻到了他的背上. 強大的保加利亞人橋接了幾分鐘. 戈奇最終克服了這種阻力,在第 8 分鐘時將肩膀壓在墊子上,第一次摔倒.
戈奇知道他可以輕鬆擊敗馬哈茂特, 所以他從未嘗試過立足點, 他曾經用它撕裂了裡奧·帕德羅的腳踝韌帶. 他決定在兩次摔倒中以半尼爾森和胯部握法結束比賽。.
開始第二個秋天, 戈奇將馬哈茂特按倒在地. 馬哈茂特(Mahmout)抬起頭來,但戈奇(Gotch)確保了半尼爾森(Nelson)和胯部的控制. Gotch turned Mahmout to his back. 馬哈茂特用盡了他僅存的每一分力量來架起橋樑, 但弗蘭克·戈奇堅持把他按在墊子上. Gotch pinned Mahmout for the second and final fall at 9 分鐘, 10 秒.
在歷史上奇怪的巧合之一, 馬哈茂特與弗蘭克·戈奇於同一年去世. The 55-year-old Bulgarian wrestler died in 1917 from unknown causes.
Frank Gotch continued his successful reign as world champion. It was becoming harder to find a credible challenge for the champ though.
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Sources: “Frank Gotch Is Still Champion” The Evening Statesman (Walla Walla, 華盛頓). 四月 15, 1909 版, P. 2 和, Ibrahim Hegelecki record (Yussiff Mahmout will also bring up record.)
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