Great Grandma’s Old Flat

這是一個關於故事 1942-44 赫伯特街, 它位於老北聖. 聖路易附近. 路易, MO. Like many of its neighbors, 這種結構已經看到更好的日子. 我產生了興趣在建築,因為我的曾祖母在住在這個地址 1930.

My maternal grandfather’s family lived in the northern part of St. Louis during his childhood from 1915 to the early 1930s. He owned a home on Dryden Avenue in the 1950s, which is in much better condition than this building. He used to speak nostalgically about growing up in Walnut Park and living with his Uncles Jules. 不幸的是, Uncle Jules’ house on Thrush Avenue is now a vacant lot.


Photo of the front of 1942-44 Hebert Street from 2009 (由地理街. 路易)

The picture above is of 1942-44 Hebert Street today. The two-family flat was built in 1882 making it 131 歲. It is a testament to the standards of construction at the time that its roof is almost completely gone, 建築物的整個後已經崩潰到後院, bricks are missing from some of the walls and it appears that the upper floors may have collapsed due to the rain coming in through the roof. 但, 建築依然矗立.

一 “出售登錄” 是在可見 1944 entry board but it is probably pretty old. 土地管理局振興, 聖. 聖路易斯市拖欠業主, 接手物業 1996. 據市紀錄, 因為至少它一直空缺 1995. 這是最近一月譴責 2013, 這可能意味著一個日期與被拆遷的命運是自來水在未來數個月內. 全市將拆除 1942-44 赫伯特街進制嗚咽. 鄰居們很可能將迎來他們沒有住用眼痛更多. 老北聖. 路易斯已經經歷了振興. 居民節約許多建築. 如果 1942-44 赫伯特街可以保持完好長一點, 它可能已保存過.


Photo of the back of 1942-44 Hebert Street from 2009 (由地理街. 路易)

不幸的是, short sighted urban planners thought it would be a great idea to let the older housing stock in the north section of the city rot, 因此它可以被拆除,並與新的房屋取代. The south section of the city is built over a series of caves, so the numerous sinkholes in the area made it difficult to build. 北側建起來更快, 所以建築物往往是老年人.

自然, 內房股是舊的,但很少想到是給它的位置在城市的歷史和當時的上級建設. 1942-44 赫伯特街是眼睛痛了,但在 1930 這是一個天堂與一個年輕兒子的寡婦, 誰想要接近她的家人. 一個大家都耳熟能詳的故事的不幸結局,在北邊一個曾經引以為傲的結構.
