Gunfight on Lindell Boulevard

周三, 一月 10, 1900, 圣. 路易斯警官保罗·吉拉德站在S的角落. 泰勒和林德尔大道, 当他看到从二楼一个人跳 4511 林德尔大道. Aware of recent burglaries in the wealthy Central West End neighborhood, 吉拉德走近那个男人.

当一瘸一拐的人看到吉拉德, 他通向S跑. Euclid大道尽他所能. 吉拉德掏出配枪,并发射了五枪,在逃跑的窃贼. 射击三分出手后, 吉拉德听到了逃跑的窃贼大喊 “我被击中了。” The burglar fired two shots back at Girard, but both missed.


早期的圣. 路易警徽从公共领域

Girard would have caught up to the injured man, but an accomplice had a buggy near S. 欧几里得. The accomplice pulled the injured burglar into the buggy, and he whipped the horses south down S. 欧几里得大道森林公园大道东侧转向.

Girard gave chase. The horses quickly outpaced Girard. He went ahead to the nearest call box and broadcast a description. 然而, 几个人又逃逸.

太太. Brinckwirth是回家 4511 林德尔, 当她听到枪声,并向外张望,看看发生了什么事情. A neighbor told her to check her valuables as the police officer was shooting at a man, who jumped from her second-floor porch.

When Mrs. Brinckwirth检查楼上的房间, 她找到 $400.00 在珠宝和 $30.00 现金丢失. 太太. Brinckwirth听到楼上房间的噪音,但把它从外面风. When she called for her house cleaner to put on a tea kettle for the soon-to-return Mr. Brinckwirth, the burglar must have thought the residents had discovered him and made a hasty exit.

窃贼是一个明显的专业, who had burglarized over ten residences on Forest Park Boulevard, Ş. 泰勒大道和林德尔大道在过去​​两个月. 通过Brinckwirth入室盗窃的时间, 他采取了几乎 $7,000.00 贵重物品. He always entered through a second-floor window. In recent burglaries, 居民们回家,但从来不知道这个人在房子里.

尽管怀疑伤口, 圣. Louis Police were not able to find him. He left town for treatment and recovery.

官吉拉德是一个23岁的巡警, 从圣退休前谁会让警长. 路易警察局. 受害者只能活 11 多年.

一月 1911, 先生. 路易Brinckwirth死在他的家, 4511 林德尔大道, 从病毒性脑膜炎 55 岁. 他的妻子约瑟芬Brinckwirth随后两个月后在 37 岁. 她从脑子发热和神经衰弱遭遇.

No one knows what happened to the burglar, but the professional burglaries stopped after the gun fight. 该地区在一段时间保持安全.

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Sources: 圣. 路易共和国, 一月 11, 1900, 版, p. 4


Book Cover for True Crime, Disasters and Police Tales of Old St. 路易
