
On St. Patrick’s Day 1908, 马丁 “农民” 伯恩斯遇到了小而有力的弗雷德·贝尔. 虽然两个摔跤手都感到沉重 165 英镑, “农民” 伯恩斯站5’11” 到Beell的5’04”. 尽管32岁的比尔(Beell)比47岁的伯恩斯(Burns)具有更大的年龄优势. 伯恩斯首次亮相 1879, 当Beell 3岁时.

这些人原定在奥马哈参加比赛, Nebraska, one of the hotbeds of professional wrestling for the first two decades of the 20th Century. 后 the Omaha Police Chief got involved in 1915, wrestling matches moved to nearby Lincoln, Nebraska.

马丁 - 农民烧伤

马丁 “农民” 从公共领域伯恩斯

The men started the two-out-of-three falls match at a quick pace. Probably upsetting the fans expectations and possibly gamblers, “农民” Burns won the first fall after 32 分钟, 15 秒. Fred Beell won the second fall at the 35 minute, 15 second mark. With one fall apiece, the winner would be decided in the third fall. The fall would be quick.

Almost from the start of the third fall, “农民” Burns secured a top wristlock on Beell. Beell tried to free himself but Burns was able to load Beell into a hiplock.

Burns released the wristlock and flipped Beell to the mat. Burns fell on top of Beell, who shot out from underneath him almost immediately. Beell claimed he was not pinned but the referee awarded the third fall and match to Burns. Beell immediately challenged Burns to a rematch for $1,000.00 在旁边.

Somethings stand out about this match. 第一, “农民” Burns was well past his prime but looked competitive in this match. It helped that he was working with his student Fred Beell, who wanted to make his trainer look competitive.

第二, they setup abig money” rematch, which would hopefully draw a bigger crowd, with the way they ended the match. Burns scored a quick pinfall that Beell got out of almost immediately after an evenly fought match. Beell had a plausible argument that he hadn’t been pinned. Hence, the need for an immediate rematch.

As professional wrestling continued to move to an almost exclusively “worked” or prearranged exhibitions, they would perfect promotion tactics like this one to build bigger gates and make more money. While competitive wrestling was almost completely eliminated, the excitement of professional wrestling would actually increase.

弗雷德 -  beell,冒充

Fred Beell posing for the camera in the early Twentieth Century from the Public Domain

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Source: 圣. 圣路易斯邮报, 三月 18, 1908 版, p. 7


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