How To Spread A Martial Art

3 times over the last 150 歲月, martial artists created more modern versions of older martial arts. Unlike many prior systems, the innovators of these modern martial arts chose to share this information with outsiders and spread their arts around the world.

Jigoro Kano’s dissemination of Judo is the best case study for how to develop and spread a martial art. 在 1882, 博士. 卡諾修改了柔術,他了解到,進入柔道的新藝術, 的溫和方式. He taught many students this new form of grappling.


博士. Kano and Kyuzo Mifune Training from the Public Domain

博士. 卡諾修改了罰球和傳統的柔術關節鎖. 在傳統風格, you trained with a cooperative partner at a slow pace. If you lost control of a technique, you would hurt your opponent. 博士. 卡諾拿出的技術方面的危險, so they could be practiced safely at full speed.

The students sparred with uncooperative partners in realistic circumstances. Training at full speed developed superior skills even with the safer techniques. Students practiced in contests to develop skills and learn which techniques worked for them.

經過醫生. Kano trained his students for about seven years, he arranged competitions with other Ju-Jitsu schools. The Tokyo Police Department would hire the winning school to teach their officers self-defense.

博士. 卡諾的學生贏得每一場比賽只有一個, 這是一個平局. 根據比賽結果, many Ju-Jitsu instructors and students started studying with Dr. 卡諾. 柔道迅速蔓延,通過了日本.

博士. 卡諾總是一個廣闊的思想家. 他設想柔道不僅蔓延,通過了日本,但通過了世界. 20世紀初, 他開始送出他的一些最老的學生,通過傳播自己的門派了世界. 跆拳道和巴西柔術將採用類似的手法在傳播他們的藝術.

通過學習柔道的發展和傳播, 我們可以很容易地識別,以取得這些成果所需的步驟.


Jigoro Kano at Age 28

第一, 您必須創建一個創新的門派,將經得起推敲與其他武術家. 很多是大師都宣稱自己的第九屆學位黑帶後創建扔掉方案.

第二, 你必須培養具有這兩種人才掌握的藝術,並教它的能力學生. 博士. 卡諾的學生們參加了比賽一直在訓練他,因為講道館的開幕 1882. 他派出這些相同的人到美國, 歐洲, 等等, 當他決定傳播藝術在日本以外.

第三, 你選擇一些有才華的學生, 誰想要開始自己的學校, 傳播藝術. 這些學生應專用於該任務,因為它有時會涉及移動到新的位置,並開始一所學校的有限助手. 在列舉三種藝術, 教師轉移到國外, 在那裡,他們不知道任何人,必須學習一門外語.

雖然公式很簡單, 的路徑是困難. 即使你有一個藝術價值的教學, 這是很難產生黑色皮帶和很難找到老師. 如果你能做到,雖然它, 你可以在那個時候改變武俠世界.

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