
Huo Yuanjia was a real life hero, 誰が彼の人生についての神話の物語に影響を与えた. His life and expoloits have been the basis of films starring Bruce Lee and Jet Li. 本当のフオYuanjiaは多くの外国の戦闘機を敗北させた, 中国は1800年代後半と1900年代初頭に、他の国の被害にあったとき. 彼の功績は、一度に誇りの源である, when China was at a low ebb in its history.

Huo Yuanjia was born on January 18, 1868. He was the son of a martial arts instructor, who did not want his son to train in martial arts. Huo Yuanjia would observe his father teach during the day and practice with his tutor at night. He eventually became exceptional.


Huo Yuanjia from the Public Domain

ウィキペディアによると, the family first learned of Huo Yuanjia’s skill, で 1890, when a martial artist beat his brother, who had been trained by his father. Huo Yuanjia fought the victor and won. 彼がいた 22 歳.

Huo Yuanjia then defeated a Russian wrestler, ヘラクレスオブライエンの名前でいくつかの中国の武道家と英語のボクサー.

Hercules O’Brien ran several insulting articles in local newspapers challenging local fighters to a match. O’Brien was an intimidating looking man but Huo Yuanjia took up the challenge.

彼らは最終的に最初の人は敗者になるにノックダウンすることを合意した前に、霍元甲とヘラクレスオブライエンは、数ヶ月のための規則上の主張. ソースに応じて、, それは霍元甲がダウンオブライエンをノックし、勝利を取ったと思われる. 一部のバージョンでは、オブライエンには示したことを主張しない. We do know Huo Yuanjia won one way or the other.

Huo Yuanjia established the Chin Woo Athletic Association around 1900. 彼は武道を教えるに焦点を当て, 全体的な健康改善と保護のための運動と食事療法. チンウー協会はまだこの日に存在している.

8月 9, 1910, 霍元甲は歳で逝去 42. 長年, many people speculated he was poisoned. The motive for the poisoning theory was his defeat of all the foreign fighters. で 1989, 彼の体がexhumedし、彼の胸骨はヒ素中毒から教える物語黒のマークを持っていた.

<スパンbbox_x = "14" fweight = "3"赤= "255"緑= "255"青= "255"アルファ= "=" 244 "bbox_y =" 627 "bbox_w =" 56 "bbox_h =" 20 "FSIZE, 霍元甲は、彼の死の前に十年で黄疸と結核の治療を受けた。. One of the ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine at this time was arsenic. Huo Yuanjia was just as likely to have been killed by the medicine as he was to have been deliberately poisoned.
