
Huo Yuanjia was a real life hero, 誰啟發了他的生活的神話故事. His life and expoloits have been the basis of films starring Bruce Lee and Jet Li. 真實的霍元甲打敗了許多外國戰士, 當中國正在在19世紀末和20世紀初的犧牲品其他國家. 他的功績是驕傲的在一個時間源, 那時中國在其歷史上的一個低潮.

Huo Yuanjia was born on January 18, 1868. 他是一位武術教練的兒子, 誰不希望自己的兒子在武術訓練. 霍元甲會觀察他的父親教白天和他的導師在深夜練習. He eventually became exceptional.



根據維基百科, 家人第一次了解到霍元甲的技能, 在 1890, 當一個武術家擊敗他的弟弟, 誰被訓練由他的父親. 霍元甲打的勝利者,贏得了. 他是 22 歲.

霍元甲然後擊敗了俄羅斯摔跤手, 幾個中國武術家和拳擊英語凱利奧布萊恩的名字.

Hercules O’Brien ran several insulting articles in local newspapers challenging local fighters to a match. O’Brien was an intimidating looking man but Huo Yuanjia took up the challenge.

霍元甲和大力士奧布萊恩指出了幾個月的規則之前,他們終於同意第一人撞倒將是輸家. 根據來源, 看來,霍元甲撞倒奧布萊恩下來,把勝利. 有些版本聲稱,奧布萊恩沒有顯示. We do know Huo Yuanjia won one way or the other.

Huo Yuanjia established the Chin Woo Athletic Association around 1900. 他專注於武術教學, 鍛煉和飲食的整體健康改善和保護. 精武會依然存在到今天.

八月 9, 1910, 霍元甲去世時的年齡 42. 多年來,, many people speculated he was poisoned. The motive for the poisoning theory was his defeat of all the foreign fighters. 在 1989, 他的屍體被挖掘出來和他的胸骨也從砷中毒有搬弄是非的黑色標記.

然而, 霍元甲是在去世前治療黃疸和肺結核的十年. One of the ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine at this time was arsenic. Huo Yuanjia was just as likely to have been killed by the medicine as he was to have been deliberately poisoned.
