“リトル悪魔” ウィスラービートすることができません

ジョー・アクトンは19世紀におけるイングランド最高のレスラーの一人であった. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States.

Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of 1882. Acton issued challenges to all wrestlers but only fellow countrymen Edwin Bibby and Tom Cannon would wrestle him. Acton beat both men handily. その後、アクトンはアメリカ人レスラーに対して新たな挑戦を行った.


Joe Acton from a 19th Century Illustration

Clarence Whistler, a Colorado professional wrestler, answered Acton’s challenge. The December 19, 1882 のエディション New York Sun carried an account of the bout.

While Whistler only weighed 165 ポンド, he was a physical powerhouse. ウィスラーはウィリアム・マルドゥーンを与えるだろう, 誰が体重を量った 190 と 200 ポンド, 彼のレスリングキャリアの中で最も厳しい試合. ウィスラーの異常な強さは、はるかに大きく強力なマルドゥーンを寄せ付けませんでした. アクトンを苦しめるのはウィスラーの強さでもあった.

The match was setup for $1,000 a side and the “World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship” although a claim to this title would have been tenuous at best. Joe Acton was 30 歳, stood 5’05” し、秤量 151 ポンド. He would probably be a featherweight in today’s mixed martial arts competitions.

Clarence Whistler was 28 歳, stood 5’07” tall and weighed 165 ポンド. Whistler agreed to a two-out-of-three falls match with a fifteen minute rest period between falls. Edwin Bibby served as the referee for the match.

2000 プロレスの素晴らしいショーが見られると信じて、観客はマディソン・スクエア・ガーデンに列をなした. Like many combat sports bouts before and after, this match utterly failed to live up to the hype.

The men began the bout at 8:22 P.M. Joe Acton and Clarence Whistler tied up and strained against each other for the first eight minutes. アクトンはついにウィスラーの背後に滑り込み、ウエストアンドアームホールドを決めた. Whistler immediately sprawled on all fours. As Acton gamely tried to turn Whistler with an arm and head hold, Whistler sprang back to his feet and disengaged from Acton.


Clarence Whistler from the Public Domain

アクトンがウィスラーの背後に再び滑り込むことができ、男たちは再び同点になった. ウィスラーはすぐに四つん這いになった. Acton tried to turn Whistler again only this time, Whistler grabbed an ankle lock. Whistler stood to his feet and tried to use the ankle lock to flip Acton on his back but Acton immediately slipped free.

For the next hour, this scene was repeated over and over. Finally at 90 分, the men were given a two-minute rest. Acton was clearly frustrated with Whistler’s continued sprawling.

The men tied up again with the same result. Acton was ready to walk off the stage but his second Arthur Chambers reminded him that a $1,000 was at stake. The men tied up one more time without result. At 1 hour and 55 分, Acton and Whistler agreed to a draw.

この決定と行動の欠如は群衆を激怒させた, マディソン・スクエア・ガーデンから列をなして列を作った人々は、この決定に対してブーイングとシューシュー音を立てた. ウィスラーはファンの反応にもひるまなかった. 彼はアクトンへの転倒を諦めるなら一晩中大の字になっていただろうと述べた.

両選手は今後もレスリングサーキットで競技を続けるだろう. ウィスラーは早死にするだろう 32 years of age while on tour of Australia. Alcohol was considered a contributing factor in his death. Joe Acton would live until 1917, where he passed away at the age of 65 in Portland, Oregon, 彼が退職した場所 1911. 彼は引退後レスラーのトレーニングを始めた. He never returned to England.

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撮影または作業の表紙? アメリカン・ヘビー級レスリング選手権の歴史

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