隆多斯 VS. 纳古尔斯基 1938

上月 18, 1938, 前世界摔跤冠军吉姆·隆多斯与现任世界摔跤冠军布隆科·纳古尔斯基摔​​跤, 芝加哥熊队伟大的前足球运动员. 男人们在费城摔跤, 纳古尔斯基版本的世界摔跤锦标赛的宾夕法尼亚州. You can view the 14-minute match in its entirety on YouTube.

当我第一次观看比赛时, several things stood out. 第一, a wrestler needed to hold his opponents shoulders to the mat for three seconds to win the match. In some of the early surviving films from the 1930 至 1934, a wrestler only need to touch both his opponents shoulders to the mat to win like Londos does in the match above.

jim-londos 的艺术家渲染

Artist rendering of Jim Londos (公共领域)

While Bronko Nagurski did not know much legitimate wrestling, Tony Stecher taught him enough wrestling to have a credible match with Londos, a shooter and hooker although Londos was not on the level of Ed “<跨度bbox_x =“949”bbox_y“1780”bbox_w =“52”bbox_h =“19”的fsize =“13”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“” 刘易斯, Joe Stecher or John Pesek.

The match also disproves that matches wrestled before the past twenty years are slow and boring. Nagurski and Londos wrestled a fast-paced match for the entire fourteen minute match. Watch the match and judge for yourself.

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