隆多斯 VS. 納古爾斯基 1938
十一月 18, 1938, 前世界摔跤冠軍吉姆·隆多斯 (Jim Londos) 與現任世界冠軍布朗科·納古斯基 (Bronko Nagurski) 摔跤, 芝加哥熊隊偉大的前橄欖球運動員. 男子在費城摔跤, 賓州舉辦納古斯基版的世界摔角錦標賽. You can view the 14-minute match in its entirety on YouTube.
當我第一次觀看比賽時, several things stood out. 第一, a wrestler needed to hold his opponents shoulders to the mat for three seconds to win the match. In some of the early surviving films from the 1930 至 1934, a wrestler only need to touch both his opponents shoulders to the mat to win like Londos does in the match above.

Artist rendering of Jim Londos (公共領域)
While Bronko Nagurski did not know much legitimate wrestling, Tony Stecher taught him enough wrestling to have a credible match with Londos, a shooter and hooker although Londos was not on the level of Ed “扼殺” 劉易斯, Joe Stecher or John Pesek.
The match also disproves that matches wrestled before the past twenty years are slow and boring. Nagurski and Londos wrestled a fast-paced match for the entire fourteen minute match. Watch the match and judge for yourself.
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