Martin “Farmer” Burns

Martin “Farmer” Burns var faglegur grípa-og-afli Wrestler og glímu og líkamlega menningar þjálfari. Þrátt fyrir mikinn árangur sem atvinnumaður, sigraði meira að segja ameríska meistaratitilinn í þungavigt, he is more famous as a wrestling trainer.

Martin “Farmer” Burns var fæddur febrúar 15, 1861 Cedar County, Iowa. Both then and now, wrestling is in an Iowan’s blood. Burns was already wrestling at an early age. Þegar faðir hans lést, Burns began to do farm work to help support his mother and siblings. Þessi vinna hjálpaði honum að þróa gífurlegan líkamlegan styrk til að glíma við glímu sína.


Martin “Farmer” Burns from the Public Domain

Á 19, he was already winning professional wrestling matches. Neck strength was one of Burns’ strongest assets. Burns worked to develop a 20 inch neck. Til að sýna hálsstyrk hans, hann myndi láta aðstoðarmann hengja hann við hálsinn með reipi til að heilla mannfjöldann og hugsanlega nemendur. Burns gekk alltaf ómeiddur frá sýningum sínum.

Even though he weighed only 165 £, Burns won the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship and was undefeated between 1890 og 1893. Glíma oft miklu stærri menn, Burns notaði tækni og kraft til að sigra alla áskorendur á valdatíma hans. He finally retired in the early 1900s after a second reign as champion between 1895 og 1897.

Burns started training other wrestlers in 1893. Frank Gotch var frægasti nemandi hans. Burns defeated his future student in 1899, when Gotch was 21. Hrifinn af Gotch svona ungur, Burns stjórnaði og þjálfaði Gotch fyrst og fremst, who won the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship from George Hackenschmidt in 1908, frá 1899 on.

Í 1914, Burns would publish an almost hundred page course on lessons in both physical culture and wrestling. Besides Gotch, Og “Strangler” Lewis also followed Burns’ training methods.

Burns passed away on January 8, 1937 á 75 years of age in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Burns and his wife had three children, two sons and a daughter. Burns’ wife passed away in 1930. After his daughter passed away in 1932, Burns’ health began to deteriorate quickly. Sorg var eini andstæðingurinn sem náði yfirhöndinni “Farmer” Burns.

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