的梅勒梅克信託劫案 1919

上週四, 六月 12, 1919, Earl Hunter and Charles Bergman, 假釋犯以及刑滿釋放, 舉起梅勒梅克信託公司後不久,它在開 07:00 比前收市價. The robbery was not well planned and even more poorly executed. 弗吉尼亞大道和梅勒梅克街的拐角處是最繁忙的街道上的汽車街區的城市之一. 劫匪幾乎沒有得到他們的戰利品和對街一, 當他們發現一名警長.


一篇關於從六月搶劫 13, 1919 聖版. 聖路易斯郵報

該警長, 威廉·奧布賴恩, 是首席奧布萊恩的兄弟. 1919 至 1921 was particularly rough for police officers including Chief O’Brien who was shot by burglars in October 1919.

Hunter and Bergmann fired at Sgt. 奧布萊恩. O’Brien returned fire alerting other First District policemen. 該司機逃之夭夭, 阿爾文西, 拉著就走獵人和貝格曼. Hunter and Bergmann later stated they thought all of South St. 路易追著他們.

他們試圖竊取路過的貨車,但它放倒不到一個街區之遙. Hunter and Bergmann then broke into 4526 明尼蘇達州大道. They went to the second floor but all the policeman descending on the house panicked the robbers. After slamming the door in the police officers’ face, 他們退到房子的後面.


4526 明尼蘇達州大道 (內置 1908) – 由谷歌地球

Hunter and Bergmann observed Sgt. 威廉史密斯指揮人員. Taking advantage of superior position, they shot him in the head and chest from the first floor. 運行到地下室, 他們觀察到巡警托馬斯·沃德來到了外面的台階,地下室.

亨特和貝格曼有遮擋的優勢. 他們拍攝Ward在腹部,偷走了沃德的手槍逃離地下室前. Ward died the morning of the shooting. Smith would die a month later after being promoted to Lieutenant.

亨特和貝格曼耗盡了 72 發子彈. 警察對付獵人在後院的尼歐肖. 貝格曼得到了後院關閉達科他州街和落後明尼蘇達大道密歇根大道的交叉點,但他被抓獲的軍士. 奧布萊恩. 以上 $1100 從伯格曼的服裝被收回, 他顯然是打算從獵人隱藏. 沃德的手槍被發現在後院的灰坑.


達科他州街和密歇根大道, 伯格曼在哪裡被抓獲 – 谷歌地球

Hunter and Bergmann confessed to the robbery and a series of crimes over the past several months. 亨特和伯格曼被判處終身, 逃脫死刑, while West was sentenced to 30 歲月.

Hunter was 23 歲. He would serve his sentence until June 27, 1946, when he was paroled. He completed his parole in 1951. Hunter died on October 4, 1970.

Bergman died in the prison hospital on April 12, 1942. 他是 45 歲.

West was paroled in 1935 but got in trouble with federal authorities. He spent time before being paroled for medical reasons in 1954. Alvin West may have died in Kansas City on August 4, 1968.

托馬斯·沃德是 52 在四家平板歲,照顧了一個無效的妹妹在3627A密蘇里州大道. 威廉·j·. 史密斯還 52 歲結婚. 他和妻子擁有的房子 3540 Vista的大道, 他在那裡去世,由於他的傷害事故. 史密斯出生於聖誕節 1866.

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Revised Cover of 1920: 最致命的一年為聖. 路易警察

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