
我的祖父曾经告诉我,妈妈和曾祖母很亲密. 大奶奶可能是很固执, 所以爷爷用来发送妈妈和她谈谈有关去看医生, <跨度bbox_x“812”bbox_y =“1370”bbox_w“19”bbox_h =“20”的fsize =“14”fweight =“3”红=“255”绿色=“255”蓝色=“255”阿尔法“. 我会让妈妈告诉你她在她自己的话说奶奶.

卡罗琳更好地为李是一个女人她的时间才. 在当大多数女性希望被留在家里妈妈的,并屈从于她们的丈夫一个时期我的奶奶是个反叛. 当奶奶和爷爷决定他们要结婚了两个她的父母和他的父母反对. Grandma was German and Grandpa was Irish, and the parents wanted them to marry within their own nationality. 奶奶是谁,她反正威廉结婚. 我记得她告诉我,以前她嫁给了我爷爷; she made it very clear to him that he would NEVER hit her. (显然,在这期间我们的历史,它是一个可以接受的做法。) 然而, it wasn’t acceptable to my grandma. In her words to William “At some point you will have to sleep. 我会配合你的胳膊和腿在床上后,击败圣地狱的你。” If my Grandpa had lived longer, I am sure we would have had some great stories.


图片威廉·埃利斯, 他的妻子卡罗琳和她的父母, 弗雷德里克和约翰娜Johannpeter

李不喜欢做饭或打扫, 但她喜欢出去与她的女友旅行. She told me that when my Dad was in the Military Academy if she went out to dinner with her girlfriends, she would send Dad money to get an ice cream soda when he went to town. 重要的是她,他知道她在乎. When Dad was about eight, 他们住在街对面的路德教会他们属于. Grandma wasn’t a regular attendee but thought Dad should be. 她告诉我,一个星期天,她只是不喜欢去教堂, so she told Dad that the church was too crowded, but he needed to go. 她站在门廊上,以确保他到了那里安全. 爸爸去教会, came back out, and hollered across the street “妈咪, 有一个很大的空间”. 她永远不会再使用这样的借口.

奶奶是一个伟大的裁缝和一个职业女性. She made my sister and me many matching outfits, 但她总是完全缝他们的手. 她的针是如此,即使它看起来像他们正在一台机器上完成. When I was in my 30’s I worked in the garment industry for a few years. 有裁缝的仍然记得我的奶奶. 她是不容易忘记的女人类型.

当我住在伊利诺伊州, 我的父母把我放在一个灰狗巴士送我到圣. 路易. 奶奶将满足我在公共汽车站. 她带我去高档餐厅, 电影, 购物游览. 我们坐公交车到那里, but usually took a cab home because we had too much to carry.

When I was thirteen one of my birthday presents was a recipe card box. 现在 55 年后,我仍然使用它,并认为她的爱.

我的一个最美好的回忆是我外婆带我到Lowe的州立剧院看到伊尔玛甜蜜主演雪莉·麦克莱恩. She told me I could NEVER tell my parents she took me to that movie, or they would never let me come visit her again. 我不知道我要去看看, 但是,如果它是 “被禁止” 它一定是好的. 好, I saw the movie, 但我还是很幼稚,不知道究竟是什么了. 年后,我想通了,它是关于妓女. 我从来没有告诉妈妈和爸爸是奶奶带我去看它. 这是我们的秘密.

奶奶把我介绍给赛马, 老虎机, 扑克, canasta, and liquor. 她是个大家闺秀.
