謀殺過紐約 (1940)

謀殺過紐約 (1940) 是陳查理系列二十世紀福克斯製作的後期版本之一. 在這部影片中, 督察陳從倫敦警察廳協助他的老朋友, 德雷克督察, 找一群破壞者. 間諜打算破壞一些測試空氣的飛行器在紐約.

Inspector Drake is tracing Paul Narvo, who leads the saboteurs and has altered his appearance. Drake has been tracing Narvo through his estranged wife, played by Marjorie Weaver. Inspector Drake is killed in the office of George Kirby, played by Ricardo Cortez. 先生. Kirby is responsible for the test aircraft that the saboteurs want to destroy. Inspector Drake’s briefcase containing Narvo’s fingerprints is also missing.

西德尼 -  TOLER  - 查理·陳


Inspector Chan must identify Narvo before he can carry out his act of sabotage. Charlie must find Mrs. Narvo and the briefcase to get the fingerprints to identify Narvo. Narvo could be an English businessman, a chemist, stock broker or inventor. Inspector Chan is again aided in his investigations by No. 2 兒子吉米, 維克多森永起.

A memorable quote from Inspector Chan to Jimmy occurs when he directs Jimmy to get some sleep. Jimmy wants to accompany his father on a visit. Inspector Chan tells Jimmy, “Fresh weed better than wilted rose. Will need alert brain tomorrow.”

Robert Lowery played the chemist David Elliott in this film. He also played supporting roles in 陳查理在Reno (1939) 和 陳查理的謀殺遊輪 (1940), He is most famous as Batman from two 1940s serials about the Caped Crusader.

Robert Lowery was born Robert Hardin Hanks in Kansas City, MO on October 17, 1913. Lowery grew up in comfortable circumstances as his father was a lawyer and oil investor. Lower began acting after a stint as a minor league baseball player. He would play in 70 電影.

Robert Lowery was married and divorced three times. He had one son from his marriage to Jean Parker. Lowery played roles on television until the late 1960s. He died from a fatal heart attack on December 26, 1971 在的年齡 58.

這部影片 runs approximately 65 分鐘. The series appears to have begun the transition to “乙” film status with this film. While the production quality was still high, the shorter film and more predictable plot indicate Twentieth-Century Fox saw the series in decline.

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