Uradnik O'Keefe prihrani kolegi uradnika

St. Louis Police Officer Cornelius O’Keefe performed countless acts of bravery over his career. Maja 26, 1901, O’Keefe proved his toughness and quick thinking again by saving a fellow officer from an excited horse and shed fire.

St. Louis Policist Joseph. Gerk patruljirajo njegov utrip na osemnajstem Street dopoldne maja 26, 1901, when he saw flames and fire trucks blocks away. Častnik Gerk tekel na ogenj na zadnji strani 1402 Olive Street.


Picture of St. Louis Police Officer Cornelius O’Keefe from the Public Domain

Ko uradnik Gerk prispela, obupana gospa. S.J. Oliver prosil GERK rešiti njen čistokrvni konj obtičal v lopi. Officer Gerk climbed over a couple of buggies but could not get the horse to move.

Gerk zgrabil konja okoli vratu in začel vleče prestrašena žival. Konj nenadoma sunkovito glavo in vrgel GERK v zraku. GERK je bluza ujeli na H peg.

While being stuck on the harness peg kept the terrified horse from trampling Gerk, Gerk was helpless as the fire started moving toward both. As Gerk struggled mightily in a fruitless attempt to escape, Častnik Z (Cornelius) O’Keefe burst into the shed.

Uradnik O'Keefe udaril snopa kaliber s svojo klub sprostilo GERK. Both officers kicked out the wall allowing the officers and the horse to escape. Takoj, ko je skupina zapustite stavbo, lopo popolnoma sesul v plamenih.

St. Louis Gasilci pogasimo ogenj, preden bi se lahko razširila, vendar je uničil vse tri lope lasti BJ. Parker. Parker je živel v hiši na 1402 Olive Street. Med hlevi so bili na zadnji strani tega naslova.

Zahvaljujoč ukrepom častnik O'Keefe, 27-year-old uradnik Joseph. Gerk lived to the ripe old age of eighty-two. Je umrl v St.. Louis aprila 2, 1957.

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