
圣. 圣路易斯警官科尼利厄斯·奥基夫在他的职业生涯中表现出了无数的勇敢行为. 五月 26, 1901, 奥基夫从兴奋的马匹中救出一名同事并开火,再次证明了他的坚韧和敏捷的思维.

圣. Louis Police Officer Joseph A. Gerk patrolled his beat on Eighteenth Street during the morning of May 26, 1901, 当他看到火焰和消防车在几个街区外时. Officer Gerk ran to the fire at the rear of 1402 橄榄街.


Picture of St. Louis Police Officer Cornelius O’Keefe from the Public Domain

When Officer Gerk arrived, a desperate Mrs. S.J. Oliver begged Gerk to save her thoroughbred horse stuck in the shed. 格克警官爬过几辆马车,但无法让马移动.

Gerk grabbed the horse around the neck and started pulling the frightened animal. The horse suddenly jerked his head and threw Gerk up in the air. Gerk’s blouse caught on a harness peg.

当被卡在挽具钉上时,受惊的马避免踩踏格尔克, 当大火开始向双方蔓延时,格克感到无助。. 格尔克奋力挣扎,试图逃跑,但徒劳无功。, Officer Con (Cornelius) 奥基夫 冲进棚子.

Officer O’Keefe struck the harness peg with his club freeing Gerk. 两名警察把墙踢开,使警察和马得以逃脱. As soon as the group exited the building, the shed completely collapsed in flames.

圣. Louis Fire Department put out the fire before it could spread but it destroyed all three sheds owned by B.J. Parker. Parker lived in the house at 1402 橄榄街. The sheds were at the rear of this address.

Thanks to Officer O’Keefe’s actions, 27-year-old Officer Joseph A. 格克活到八十二岁高龄. He passed away in St. Louis on April 2, 1957.

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