
12月に 16, 1917, フランク·アルビンゴッチは尿毒症中毒で三週間の戦いを失った. 医師はシカゴでの動作を経彼の腎臓を維持しようとしましたが、それは一時的な救済を提供. ゴッチは温泉に旅行することを目的と, アーカンソー州は、試してみて、彼の健康を復元する. 操作は、この希望を終了. Gotch spent the last couple weeks only able to take short walks in his hometown of Humboldt, アイオワ州.


Frank Gotch from the Public Domain

Frank Gotch compiled one of the most impressive wrestling records in American professional wrestling history. After being defeated by Martin “ファーマー” Burns in 1899, Burns took the 21 year-old Gotch under his wing. こんなに優秀なトレーナーと一緒に, Gotch soon won the American Heavyweight Championship.

Gotch scored his biggest triumph in 1908 when he defeated George Hackenschmidt for the recognized World Wrestling Championship. Three years later, he defeated “ロシアライオン” in the rematch. In between these matches, he defeated future World Champion Stanislaus Zbyszko.



Unlike many other champions, Gotch retired as champion in 1913 彼があった場合は 35 歳. With the birth of his son Robert, ゴッチは引退して家族と農場で暮らすことを決意した. 強くて健康なゴッチがあと4年しか生きられないとは誰も予想できなかったでしょう.

Prior to advances in medicine, uremic poisoning was a deadly killer. Many St. ルイ警察官, who died in the line of duty, had survivable wounds but died from uremic poisoning. 今日, ゴッチはおそらく、指導者であるバーンズのようなレスラーのトレーニングを続けながら、農場で長く実り豊かな人生を送っただろう。.

With the death of Gotch, legitimate wrestling also died. Legitimate competitions were almost completely replaced with prearranged matches. ゴッチの死は時代の終わりを告げた.

What do you think of when you hear of a young person like Frank Gotch passing away? You can leave a comment or ask a question about this or any post on my FacebookページTwitterのプロフィール.


ゴッチvsのカバー. ZbyszkoはAmazonで電子ブックで入手可能, ペーパーバックとハードカバー

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