Fitz Dethrones Corbett in 1897

bob fitzsimmons

Martxoan 17, 1897, current World Heavyweight Boxing Champion James J. Corbett entered the boxing ring at Carson City, Nevada. Corbett faced the challenge of former middleweight boxing champion Bob Fitzsimmons. Corbett entered as the favorite enjoying both an almost twenty pound weight advantage and slick boxing skills. “Ruddy Robert” as Fitzsimmons was sometimes known won the World Middleweight Boxing Championship in

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Lewis eta Stecher-ek zozketa bat egiten dute


In his book Hooker, Lou Thesz wrote about the rivalry between two of his favorite wrestlers, Joe Stecher and Ed “Strangler” Lewis. Stecher and Lewis would emerge as the two best legitimate professional wrestler of the 1910s. Either man could beat every other wrestler at the time in a legitimate contest or “shoot”. The men wrestled three long, boring contests

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Dusek Gurutze Bikoitzak Mondt


Prior to the creation of the territorial system in 1948, pro wrestling promoters fought with each other to control the world championship. Promoting the world champion led to bigger gates, so most promoters wanted to control the championship. 1930eko hamarkadan, promoters would enter into agreements with each other but they were often fleeting. When one promoter got offended, thought

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Steele Levinskyri aurre egiten dio Mixed Bout-en


Azaroaren on 19, 1935, professional wrestler Ray Steele met professional boxer Kingfish Levinsky in a mixed wresting versus boxing bout. The Missouri State Athletic Commission created special rules for the match. The commissioners ruled the bout would consist of three-minute rounds like a boxing match. The commissioners allowed Levinsky to punch even if he was on the mat. Steele could

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“Baserritarrak” Burns Puts in a Full Night


Urtean 1899, Martin “Baserritarrak” Burns was transitioning into the role of part-time wrestler and full-time trainer. One of his most famous pupils would be Frank Gotch, who Burns defeated a week after this match. Burns was 38 years-old and had lost his American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship two years earlier. Burns blended both roles on a very busy December night in

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Pat O’Shocker Refuses Double-Cross


William Hayes Shaw, who wrestled as Pat O’Shocker through most of his wrestling career, found himself in the spotlight in 1933. O’Shocker wasn’t looking for this sort of fame though. Newspapers were carrying a story about how wrestling promoters tried to use O’Shocker in a planned double-cross. Joseph “Toots” Mondt booked wrestlers out of New York and was aligned with

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Jim Browning kanpainak Tennesseen


Urtean 1933, about 10 urte bere borroka-karreran, Jim Browningek munduko titulua irabaziko zuen. Kansasen eta Missouri estatuan hasi zuen bere karrera, Browningek lur ezagunak utzi beharko lituzke, borroka profesionalean gailur gorenera iristeko asmoa bazuen. Munduko Txapeldunek nazio mailan bira egin behar izan zutelako, eta askotan nazioartean, munduko titulua zen

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Tiro baino jipoitu gehiago


Iraganean idatzi dut Fall Guys hori: Marcus Griffinen The Barnums of Bounce iturri problematikoa da. Griffinek 1930eko hamarkadan Buffaloko promozio-bulegoan egondako denboragatik barneko ezagutzak ditu, kaleratu zuten sustatzaileen aurkako mendekua izateko idatzi zuen liburua. Liburuak egiazko informazioa biltzen du interesgarriekin nahastuta

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McLaughlin-ek Bauer borrokatzen du


James Hiram McLaughlin-ek lehen borrokalari profesional estatubatuarra izatearen bereizgarria du. Jendeak McLaughlin-en aurretik profesionalki borrokatzen zuen bitartean, bera izan zen borrokatik profesional bat irabazten lehena. McLaughlin borroka profesionalean hasi zen 1860 at 16 urteak baina Gerra Zibilak bere ibilbidea eten zuen urte batzuetan. McLaughlin berriro hasi zen borrokan 1866. Arabera 1877,

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