Detective Desmond Stops Jail Escape


On the morning of Wednesday, 七月 8, 1885, the Coroner’s Clerk Jimmy Spaulding rushed into the Police Court at the Four Courts building. Spaulding announced one of the jail inmates waiting in the holding pen had just escaped. While most of the members of court sat stunned, Detective Billy Desmond jumped to his feet and rushed out of the courtroom.

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漂亮男孩弗洛伊德的St. 路易抢劫

漂亮的男孩 - 弗洛伊德 - 面部照片

在 1934, 查尔斯·阿瑟 “漂亮男孩” 弗洛伊德结束了他的犯罪生涯在东利物浦, 经过俄亥俄州玉米地拍摄出与联邦调查局特工和当地执法人员. 然而, 在十二月 1925, 他的囚犯号 29078 在密苏里州监狱. 这位21岁的弗洛伊德刚刚被定罪劫克勒格尔杂货店和Baking公司主要办事机构

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Policewomen Break Up Theft Ring in 1919


The Tuesday Evening, 二月 18, 1919, 圣版. Louis Post-Dispatch detailed the arrest of two men and two women for the theft of numerous luxury items. Aware that a shoplifting ring was working a couple of the local jewelry stores, 圣. Louis Police Department assigned several undercover police women to follow the suspects. Their work resulted in the

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Chief Desmond Gets a Confession

首席威廉 - 德斯蒙德

圣. Louis Chief of Detectives William Desmond was known for his ability to gain confessions from criminals. Unlike other detectives, who would sometimes use physical intimidation, Desmond eschewed the “third degree”. Chief Desmond believed information obtained by beating suspects was completely unreliable. Desmond would start a discussion with the suspect. After putting him or her at ease, Desmond would let

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F.W. Johannpeter and 1883 Bar Incident


腓特烈·威廉Johannpeter (1839 – 1915) was my second great grandfather on my mother’s side. He died 4 months before the birth of his grandson, 吉尔伯特P. 埃利斯, who was my grandfather. Since he died before my grandfather was born, I had very limited information on him, when I started researching the family history. Grandpa didn’t have any verbal history

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Lord Barrington Is Beaten Up

F-西摩 - 巴灵顿

Thief. Liar. Bigamist. Con Man. Murderer. All accurate labels for one of the greatest charlatans to operate in St. 路易. “Lord F. Seymour Barrington” was a bit of a local celebrity, if an extremely disreputable one, during 1903. After conducting a bigamist marriage on the East Coast, “Lord Barrington” stole his wife’s trousseau and headed to St. 路易. When Barrington

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Rose Elker Slaps a Masher


Rosa or Rose Elker was born in St. Louis on February 5, 1890. Aunt Rose was my great-grandmother, Magdalena Elker’s, youngest sister. 上周六, 九月 22, 1906, the 16-year-old Rose was walking to her job at the Plows Candy Factory in St. 路易. Aunt Rose was walking about 8 am in the morning, when she started to cross the 18th

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