Policewomen Break Up Theft Ring in 1919

星期二晚上, 二月 18, 1919, 版的 聖. 聖路易斯郵報 detailed the arrest of two men and two women for the theft of numerous luxury items. 意識到行竊環一對夫婦在當地的珠寶店工作, 聖. Louis Police Department assigned several undercover police women to follow the suspects. Their work resulted in the arrests of the four conspirators.


從2月路易絲·菲佛圖片 18, 1919 聖. 聖路易斯郵調度

聖. Louis Police arrested the main suspect on January 15, 1919. 她把項鍊從Sourenfeld的珠寶店 1003 橄欖街 (今天一塊空地). 該名女子, 太太. 路易絲·菲佛, 自稱為 “太太. 馬丁”. She gave her address as 4926 恩萊特大道. 認股權證發行後, detectives found out no one by that name lived at the address. 警方婦女被分配到的情況下,.

They quickly picked up on Mrs. Martin’s trail. The female detectives followed her and another woman, 太太. Alice Hayner的. 觀察他們偷了好幾個星期後,他們回家後, 身份不明的警察婦女能夠獲得權證太太的. Pfieffer的住所, 4265A Manchester Avenue, 和夫人. Hayner官邸 1100 聯盟大道塊.


The Pfeiffer Apartment Above the Shops, 4261-67 曼徹斯特大道 – 由地理街. 路易

警方發現了一個黑貂值得 $1,050 美元 ($25,000 今天) 太太. Pfeiffer的住所. 警方還發現裝骰子和吸食鴉片設備. 太太. Hayner在她家有幾件被盜珠寶. 太太. Hayner and her husband were also stealing electricity for their home. 警察把丈夫和妻子都被拘留.

兩名婦女試圖聲稱自己的丈夫買了他們的項目. 然而, 先生. 菲佛是法律系畢業, 從未有過的實踐. 代替, 他喜歡 “to frequent the billiard parlors in Downtown” 聖. 路易. 先生. Hayner咖啡推銷員.

I don’t know if they served any time but the arrests and subsequent publicity cost both Mrs. Hayner和夫人菲佛他們的婚姻. 當夫人. 摔下Hayner她的公寓在埃切爾伯格街二樓陽台 1945 after the bannister gave way, she was a 64 歲離婚的.

當先生. 菲佛死亡 1953, 巴登地區的另一位女士和生活中的他結婚. What happened to Louise Pfeiffer is unknown.

雖然女警前現代的時代是罕見的, they were effective. 威廉•. 海耶斯在2月被殺害值班線 1919. His widow, Nona Hayes, would become a successful police woman in her own right after his death.

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