Pursuit to Algiers (1945)

In one of the last films in the series, 英國當局招募夏洛克·福爾摩斯來保護這位年輕的歐洲王位繼承人. Universal Pictures released Pursuit to Algiers (1945) 十月 26, 1945. Basil Rathbone returns for the twelfth of fourteen times as Sherlock Holmes. Nigel Bruce again plays his assistant Dr. 約翰·沃森.



As the film begins, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. 當福爾摩斯意識到街上的人們正在向他傳遞代碼信息時,沃森正穿過倫敦的街道. 英國當局誘使福爾摩斯到倫敦繁茂地區的一所房屋中尋求他的幫助,以保護受威脅的歐洲王位繼承人.

Holmes and the heir fly to their destination, while Watson travels on ship. Watson is shocked to hear the plane has been shot down. 然而, Sherlock Holmes may have a few aces up his sleeve.

Martin Kosleck plays Mirko, one of the group trying to kill the heir. Martin Kosleck was born in Germany on March 24, 1904. He made a career in the 1930s and 1940s playing evil Nazi agents. In real life, Kosleck fled Germany right before he was to be killed by Hitler’s Gestapo.

Kosleck played primarily villains even after World War II. His film and television filmography contains 91 credits. Kosleck passed away two months prior to his 90th birthday on January 15, 1994. Kosleck lived a full life after barely escaping his home country during the rule of the Nazis.

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