斯坦尼斯勞斯·茲皮希科美國巡演 1910 為今年晚些時候與世界重量級摔跤冠軍弗蘭克·戈奇的冠軍賽做準備. 他的旅行把他帶到了聖. 五月路易斯 29, 1910. 茲皮希科原計劃與備受推崇的輕量級格鬥選手查理·奧爾森會面.
奧爾森是一位熟練的摔角手, 誰與聖訓練. Louis wrestler George Baptiste and was based out of St. 路易. 然而, Olson weighed 180 pounds at his heaviest. Zbsyzko was the same height at 5’09” but he weighed 245 pounds for the match. Zbyszko was a massive weightlifter, so he had size and strength not just mass.
Olson was game though and showed up for their match at the Olympic Theater confident of at least giving Zbyszko a tough match. Zbyszko wouldn’t be denied on his tour though and defeated Olson in two straight falls.
Keen observers did see some areas of concern when Zbyszko actually wrestled Gotch, who was a talented technical wrestler with good size and strength. Gotch was nearly 6 foot tall and weighed between 198 和 210 英鎊.
Zbyszko was more familiar with Greco-Roman wrestling than catch-as-catch-can, the dominant American style and the style for this match with Olson. Zbyszko undertook the tour to help him adapt to this wrestling style.
Zbyszko’s lack of exposure to catch-as-catch-can made him very defensive. Olson was able to take Zbyszko’s back at one point but was unable to take Zbyszko off his feet. The constant strain of trying to move Zbyszko eventually tired Olson.
After over 25 minutes of wrestling, Zbyszko secured a back hold and scissors for the first fall at the 28 分鐘大關. After an intermission, the men met for the second fall, which Zbyszko dominated. Zbyszko eventually secured an arm hold into a roll for the second fall in 16 分鐘.
Zbyszko’s tour helped build anticipation for his match with Gotch. Gotch would use a dirty tactic to win the first fall of this bout. The match is shrouded in controversy to this day. After this one title match, Gotch never wrestled Zbyszko again before retiring in 1913.
Zbyszko returned to Europe in frustration during 1914. Caught up in World War II, he would not return to America until 1921, when he was in his early 40s. Despite his advanced age, 和 “扼殺” Lewis said Zbyszko and Joe “Toots” Mondt were the only wrestlers who could give him a legitimate contest.
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Sources: 聖. 聖路易斯郵報, 五月 30, 1910 版, P. 10 和 妓女 通過盧·塞茲
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