Rov 31 – Evan Lewis’ Teem

ed-strangler-lewis-lewis-prime Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Peb tham txog lub sij hawm wrestling ntawm Evan “Strangler” Lewis thaum lub sij hawm 1886. Hloov tshiab Dan thiab kuv tham txog qhov twg peb nyob rau lub Cuaj hlis 11, 2001. Peb kuj tham txog cov tsis ntev los no tuag “exotic” Adrian Street. Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb nyob rau hauv no rov, Peb tham txog lub sij hawm wrestling ntawm Evan “Strangler” Lewis hauv 1886.

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Rov 27 – Matsuda peb tes num

matsuda-and-roeber Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog dab tsi kuv kawm sau kuv phau ntawv rau tus thawj Japanese pro wrestler Sorakichi Matsuda, Leej twg wrestled nyob America los ntawm 1884 mus 1891. Hloov tshiab kuv tau muab ib qho hloov tshiab rau kuv yavtom ntej yavtom ntej. Wayfarer nyob hauv ib lub teb chaws Txawv teb chaws yuav tsum muaj nyob rau thaum xaus rau lub Xya hli ntuj los yog lub yim hli ntuj 2023 nyob ntawm seb

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Rov 25 – McLaughlin vs. Ross

james-hiram-mclaughlin Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, we discuss an 1884 mixed styles match between J.H. McLaughlin and Duncan C. Ross. Update Shut Up and Wrestle Interview with Mike ChapmanWhy I normally don’t read other historians of the time frame that I study. Based on the interview, I am going to research two matches I viewed

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Rov 23 – Sumo Wrestling hauv Teb Chaws Asmeskas.

artist-rendering-of-sorikichi-matsuda-st-paul-daily-globe Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, I discuss professional wrestling matches conducted under Sumo Rules in the 1880s. Update While I hate UFC merging with WWE, you do have to salute Vince McMahon selling his company for more than it’s worth. Vince also managed to stay in charge of the company. Vince McMahon won the promotional wars

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Rov 21 – Yusuf Ismail

yusuf-ismail-txaus ntshai-turk Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, I discuss the short but impactful career of the original Terrible Turk, Yusuf Ismail. Update Endeavor recently bought World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) and merged it into a company with the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). Merging a worked exhibition with legitimate contests may not be the great idea Endeavor envisioned. Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb

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Rov 20 – Sorakichi Matsada

roeber-and-matsuda-demonstraing-wrestling Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, I discuss the career of Sorakichi Matsada, a 19th Century Japanese pro wrestler. Update I discuss the new podcast schedule. Hopefully, Caleb will be back with me for the next episode. I will release an episode on the second Monday of every month. If scheduling allows, a second episode will be

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Rov 19 – Acton vs. Fitz

joe-acton Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadIn no rov, Kuv tham txog lub 1891 wrestling match ntawm Joe Acton thiab yav tom ntej heavyweight boxing tau zus ib Bob Fitzsimmons. Hloov tshiab kuv txiav txim siab coj rau ib phau ntawv luv luv rau ib xyoo pua 19th wrestler kom tiav rau lub caij ntuj sov los yog thaum lub caij nplooj zeeg thaum ntxov 2023. Peb tes num tom qab phau ntawv no yuav yog ib phau ntawv ntev

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Rov 17 – Sau Zaj Kawm Zaum

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadUpdate kuv yuav tso ob lub sijhawm uas nws rov ib lub hlis rau lub foreseable yav tom ntej. Lub sijhawm tom ntej no yuav muab tso rau hnub Zwj Hli, Lub ib hlis ntuj 23, 2023. Kuv kuj muab kuv xav rau Vince McMahon forcing nws tus kheej rov qab mus rau lub Rooj Tswjhwm Saib ntawm lub ntiaj teb Wrestling lom ze. Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb kuv hais txog dab tsi kuv paub yuav mus rau txhua yam

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Rov 16 – Bibby vs. Ross

edwin-bibby Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadUpdate pib lub podcast, Kuv ua ib daim ntawv tshaj tawm loj txog cov podcast mus rau pem hauv ntej. Ntsiab lus tseem ceeb nyob rau hauv no rov, Kuv nyeem ib tug account ntawm Edwin Bibby vs. Duncan C. Ross ntawm Shooting los yog ua hauj lwm: Zaj dabneeg ntawm cov American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Pom zoo kuv xav kom ib zaj dabneeg tshiab detailing dab neeg los ntawm cov territories.

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Rov 12 – “Me dab”

joe-acton Ua si nyob rau hauv cov qhov rai tshiab | DownloadUpdate I finished Shooting or Working? The History of the American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship earlier than expected. It is available on Amazon during this soft launch period. Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb “Me dab” Joe Acton arrived in the United States in 1882 to challenge Edwin Bibby for the catch-as-catch-can wrestling championship, which developed into the American

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