“Little Demon” Ófær til Slá Whistler


Joe Acton var einn besti glímumaður Englands á 19. öld. 151-pound Acton went through England’s middleweight ranks before plowing through the heavyweights. After beating the best England had to offer including Tom Cannon, Acton decided to test his abilities in the United States. Joe Acton settled in Philadelphia at Arthur Chamber’s Champions Rest during the summer months of

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St. Louis Wrestler Surprises Gotch


Frank Gotch holds the title of America’s greatest legitimate professional wrestler. Gotch competed in mostly legitimate contests with a few pre-arranged or “unnið” matches thrown in the mix. Með 1904 eða 1905, no one could really beat Gotch unless he allowed it. In the early years of his career, Gotch was not so dominant. He dropped matches to his mentor,

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Fred Beell Overcomes Old Champ


Á október 20, 1906, Fred Beell proved dynamite comes in small packages. Beell, light heavyweight wrestling champion, defeated former American heavyweight champion Dan McLeod. Beell parlayed an active 1906 into defeats of former American Heavyweight Champion Dan McLeod and current American Heavyweight Champion Frank Gotch. Beell won the American Middleweight (Light Heavyweight) Meistarakeppni en var ekki í sviðsljósinu þar til

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Americus slær Charley Olson


Nóvember 7, 1908, Charles Olson hitti “Americus” Gus Schonlein fyrir heimsmeistaramótið í léttþungavigt. Leikurinn reyndist jafn spennandi og áhorfendur grunaði að hann yrði en hann endaði í deilum. Olson varð 6’01” en aðeins vigtuð 170 £. Fæddur Max Flaskamp í Krefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen í 1879, hann tók sér nafnið Charles eða Charley Olson

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Gotch Easily Beats Raicevich


Giovanni Raicevich stood only 5’07” tall but weighed a muscular 220 £. Raicevich carried pro bodybuilder type muscle 50 years before the steroid era. Þó, when it came to wrestling, Raicevich’s skill set was not quite as developed as his physique. Raicevich was one of many foreign wrestlers, sem ferðaðist til Ameríku til að taka á móti Frank Gotch eftir að hann sigraði

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Jólakvöld glímu Fíaskó


Á jólanótt 1911, Stanislaus Zbyszko mætti ​​Giovanni Raicievich í langþráðri þungavigtarglímu. Zbyszko, sem barðist fyrir endurkeppni við heimsmeistarann ​​í þungavigt, Frank Gotch, samþykkti að henda Raicevich 3 sinnum inn 90 mínútu eða vera lýstur tapandi. Þegar mennirnir gengu inn í hinn fræga Madison Square Garden í New York borg, Zbyszko var greinilega sá

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“Strangler” Headlocks Caddock for Win


Og “Strangler” Lewis er einn besti atvinnuglímumaður og heimsmeistari allra tíma. Lewis’ signature move was the stranglehold, sem Lewis byrjaði að nota sem verkefnisstjórar og glímukappar breyttu atvinnuglímunni yfir í fyrirfram skipulagða eða „vinna“ sýningu. Lewis notaði upphaflega andlitslásinn að framan eða guillotine choke. Nafna Lewis Evan "Strangler" Lewis lét læsa andlitið að framan eða

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Matsuda Wins First Match


Sorakichi Matsuda originally trained in sumo wrestling. When Matsuda decided to become a catch-as-catch-can wrestler, he was forced to travel to the United States. Professional wrestling would not become popular in Japan until the middle of the Twentieth Century. Upon arriving in the United States in 1883, it took Matsuda a few months to secure a match. Hann tryggði sér að lokum

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