Frank Moellenberg (1891 – 1941)


我的繼父, 歐內斯特·Ç. 迪亞茲, raised me, so I included his family in my genealogical research. 然而, Dad’s father, 約瑟夫·迪亞茲, emigrated from Mexico and his mother Marie Moellenberg was a first generation American born to German immigrants. Finding information on his family has not been easy. We know Joseph’s father was Ulalio Diaz and his mother’s birth name was

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John Moellenberg (1861 – 1942)


約翰Moellenberg出生於德國三月 30, 1861. Sometime prior to 1890, John Moellenberg married Adele Barmann. They welcomed their first son, Frank Moellenberg, 八月 30, 1891. 在 1893, 約翰, Adele and Frank immigrated to the United States and settled in St. 路易. 約翰和阿黛爾來到聖彼得堡後生了更多的孩子. 路易. 亨利·莫倫伯格是

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約瑟夫·迪亞茲談到聖. 在路易 1917


約瑟夫 (約瑟夫) 迪亞茲是我的繼父, 歐內斯特·Ç. 迪亞茲的父親. 厄尼或父親是約瑟夫和瑪麗·迪亞茲東東Moellenberg的兒子. Joseph was a first generation immigrant from San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. 約瑟夫出生於五月 12, 1893. 根據他的死亡證明, 他的父母是Ulalio (歐拉利奧) 迪亞茲和迪亞茲貝蒂東東拉米羅. 我有

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