Ntxhov ntxhov Destinies (1932)

Ntxhov ntxhov Destinies (1932) yog ib qho piv txwv ntawm ib thaum ntxov “B” zaj duab xis, qhia thawj zaug rau hauv ib daim nqi ob chav naam. Txawm li cas los, this film holds up well despite being released during the early transition to sound films. Hais ncaj ntsaim R. Strayer hais naam rau Mayfair duab Corporation. Strayer was a better than average “B” cov thawj coj zaj duab xis. Nws kuj qhia lwm zoo ua li cas “B” duab, Puav Vampire (1933).

Hauv no zaj duab xis, Tus tauj ncov loj Randall “Randy” Gordon is forced by hurricane force winds to land 300 hundred miles outside of Los Angeles. His crew and passengers take refuge in an abandoned mansion by the field they landed on. The house is well-maintained and even has some can goods in the basement. Txawm li cas los, Gordon thiab coob tus uas xam nrog cov nyob rau ob peb txheej xwm npaj txhij txog.

Coob tus uas xam nrog ib tug yog ntaub diamonds los rov qab Los Angeles. Ib tug neeg clubs tus txiv neej thiab yuav siv cov diamonds. Tshawb rau lub diamonds ua rau ntau cov zajlus twists ua ntej cov murderer co nyob.

Yog zoo li ntau no zaj duab xis “B” films rau ntau yam. The first is Frank Strayer, uas muab kev pab ntxiv rau tus tswj ntawm lub “B” films he was assigned. Nws yog rewarded los yog raug ua tus thawj coj feem ntau heev ntawm Blondie koob nrov.

Ethel Wales portrayal of Prudence Daggot, yog ib lub protagonists ntawm naam, thiab ntxiv kev no ntau lawm. Npeeg Daggot, referred to as “Granny”, tsis nco tus ua kom yuam kev. Nws pom ua rau lub rooj ntawm ob peb mysteries. Nws tseem tseem ceeb heev los kawg yuav muab tus tub sab thiab tua neeg kawg ntawm naam.


Los yeej ntxhov ntxhov Destinies (1932)

Lwm ua cim txawv yog Mr. Ling, played by James B. Leong. Nyob rau thaum ntxov xinesmas, lub cim dawb hauv ib zaj duab xis yeej tsis kho tej lwm haiv neeg zoo heev. Asians thiab dub ib feem ntau fared qhov phem nyob rau hauv cov characterizations. Txawm li cas los, James B. Leong theem kom saib taus ib siab rau Mr. Ling. Feem ntau cov qhua hwm Mr. Ling, a rarity in films in the 1930s.

Koj kuj muaj tsev tsaus nti xwb. A big creepy dark house has been a plot device used in mystery and horror films over the years. Hauv no zaj duab xis, lub tsev no feem ntau lit tsuas yog thaum lub fuses tshuab cov cua daj los yog cov tub sab.. The thief needs the darkness to commit his criminal acts.

Thaum kawg, naam yog xwb qhov zoo ntev rau hauv zaj dabneeg 56 feeb. Naam txav ntawm ib tug zoo tiam sis nkag pace. Nws tsi muaj like ib txhia “B” films, which are so choppily edited that major portions of the story are left out or unexplained. Nws kuj tsis tau muab tub lim piam mus rau ib tug ib zaj duab xis ntev.

Yog koj muab no zaj duab xis ua lub sij hawm, Kuv xav tias koj yuav pleasantly tag. Koj yuav saib nws rau hauv YouTube thiab lwm yam sau pej xeem platforms.

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab thiab Twitter profile.

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