ゴリラ (1939)

ゴリラ (1939) is コメディミステリー “B” フィルム (affiliate link) リッツ兄弟主演, ジョセフ·カレイア, ベラ·ルゴシとLionellアトウィル. 彼らが作って終了する前に、フィルムは、20世紀フォックスによって作成された “B” フィルム, the first film on a double bill.

ザ·リッツ·ブラザーズの間でアクティブになっていた 1925 と1960, アル·リッツは、一番上の兄が亡くなったとき. 兄弟は作ら 16 フィルム, all “B” フィルム, in the 1930s and early 1940s. After they quit making films, the brothers continued performing on stage and television. Al had a heart attack in 1965. 残りの二人の兄弟は時折演奏を行いましたが、, it was said they never recovered from Al’s death.


Still from The Gorilla (1939)

この映画の中で, the Ritz Brothers play detectives, who have been called into protect a businessman threatened by “ゴリラ”. The gorilla is a mysterious criminal, who may or may not be controlling an actual ape. “B” film staples Lionel Atwill plays the businessman, Bela Lugosi plays the butler and Joseph Calleia portrays an insurance investigator. フィルムは、約実行されます 65 分.

My favorite Ritz Brothers film is Kentucky Moonshine (1938). In that film, the Ritz Brothers play performers trying to get on the radio by imitating hillbillies on a country program. ゴリラ is the only Ritz Brothers offering that I have found so far.

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