海綠 (1935)

我想寫一下我最喜歡的電影之一, 海綠 (1935). 它是新穎的同名的適配, 寫的男爵夫人Orczy. 這部電影 (友情鏈接) concerns an English peer, 誰節省法國貴族從斷頭台冒著生命危險. The story is complicated by the fact the peer is married to a French woman, who was tricked into sending aristocrats to the guillotine.


Still from the Scarlet Pimpernel

Leslie Howard portrays the Englishman, Sir Percy Blakeney, and Merle Oberon plays his wife, Lady Blakeney, who does not know her husband is the Scarlet Pimpernel. Citizen Chauvelin, portrayed by Raymond Massey, arrives from France to discover the identity of the Pimpernel. Chauvelin tricked Lady Blakeney into betraying her friends in the past and attempts to get his clutches into her again by threatening her brother Armand’s safety. I enjoy this movie for a number of reasons.
1) 你看到的是不是你所得到的. 該海綠必須使用欺騙手段成功解救了貴族所以沒有什麼是真的,因為它似乎. 你帶領相信一件事,卻發現了另在影片的結尾.
2) 演技精湛. 在柯利達爵士和Chauvelin之間的一個交換, 柯利達爵士, 誰就像一個花花公子在大部分電影, 讀他寫了關於海綠與Chauvelin一首詩. 一個行的是 “這些Frenchies尋求他的每一個地方。” Chauvelin反應平靜, “我喜歡它, 柯利達爵士. 特別是那些“Frenchies尋求他每一個地方’ part.


Still from the Scarlet Pimpernel

3) 它是大腦過度體力. 雖然柯利達爵士能夠在物理保護自己, but Sir Percy is successful because of his ability to out think the enemy. 在一個場景, 他的追隨者想強攻法國駐軍,但柯利達爵士告訴他們這樣的行動會令他們沒用. 他們可以贏得一場戰鬥,失去戰爭.

It is a great movie running just about 90 分鐘. 許多DVD的離開了柯利達爵士和他的兄弟在法律阿爾芒的一幕, which is one of the keys to understanding Sir Percy and his motivation.

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