Tos kev tua Kills Beat Officer

54-xyoo William Henry Anderson plied nws pauv raws li ib tug me nyuam. Louis tub ceev xwm Officer rau 25 xyoo. Assigned to a beat near Natural Bridge and Vandeventer Avenues, Anderson neeg khiav dej num yog hu ua tus “Tus phooj ywg tooj” los ntawm cov neeg thiab cov lag luam ntawm nws dhia ceev ceev.

Khiav hauj lwm rau cov ua haujlwm kom pw rau ib lub ob hlis ntuj txias thaum ntxov, Officer Anderson taug rau Vandeventer south of cov kev tshuam uas Natural choj. Looj hnab looj tes los no, Anderson taug nyob ze tus Brady Saloon, tus hangout hais tsis zoo, Thaum twg nws muaj felled los ntawm kev txhaj tshuaj rau lub caj dab txij qab.


Yees duab ntawm cov me nyuam. Louis tub ceev xwm William H. Anderson ntawm lub lub ob hlis ntuj 11, 1924 ib tsab ntawm tus me nyuam. Louis Dispatch tom qab

Thaum Anderson muab rau tus kws kho mob hloov, cov tsis paub assailant los yog assailants raug rho tawm haujlwm ob ntxiv txhaj mentsis rau nws lub taub hau. Henry Marmor, leej twg muaj delivering nqi ntawv xov xwm ntawm Vandeventer thiab Labadie hom, hnov txhaj tshuaj 5 nplhaib tsis ua thiab ntsia nws lub thaus. Nws yog 5:25 AM.

St. Louis Police teb cov gunshots nyob Anderson pw hauv pas dej ua ke ntawm ntshav pem lub taub hau ntawd Brady Saloon. Cov neeg khiav dej num nam ntseeg Anderson twb tsis muaj lub tswv yim uas nws mus ua rog thiaj li. Anderson yog hnav nws lub hnab loojtes; his overcoat was completely buttoned up and his gun was fully loaded and still in his pocket.

St. Louis Police twb convinced Anderson tus tuag yog nyob txuas nrog lub Brady Saloon, ib sab qaum teb gangster hangout. Thaum twg tus Vandeventer streetcar kis ntawm 5:00 AM, teeb nyob rau hauv cov saloon thiab ob lub tsheb los nres pem ntej..

Thaum lub streetcar ntxiv dua tom 5:56 AM, the cars were gone, and the saloon was dark. Ib qhov chaw uas tub ceev xwm heev raids, St. Louis criminals spent time together at the bar.

Txawm li cas los, Anderson ho tsis koom lub raids ntawm tus Brady Saloon. Ua ntej nws ua haujlwm, Anderson taug kev los ntawm cov Brady Saloon, greeted the patrons, and aroused no curiosity or concern by his presence.

Officer Anderson ntsuam xyuas rau ntawm lub box hu rau 4:10 a.m. as he was scheduled and said all was quiet on his beat. Anderson tu nws tom ntej kos-nyob rau hauv 5:10 a.m. but no one knew what detained Anderson. Anderson’s failure to check-in did not seem to raise concern until citizens reported shots fired to police headquarters.

St. Louis Police interviewed the patrons including a clerk of the St. Louis lub nroog cov tsev hais plaub, professional baseball player and several unsavory characters but never named any potential suspects. Hmoov tsis, tus neeg xyuas pib streetcar tsis tau zoo saib lub tsheb, which may have helped the police name the killer or killers. Hnub no, Tus neeg khiav dej num Anderson tua neeg tseem yog ib unsolved kev ua txhaum.

Officer William H. Anderson yug rau lub kaum hli ntuj 17, 1869, hauv Missouri. Anderson nyob ntawm 4567 Clarence Avenue nrog Lida nws tus poj niam thiab cov ntxhais los. A married son also survived Anderson. St. Louis Police Officers have suffered mysterious killings but seldom one so senseless.

Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab los sis Twitter profile.

Qhov chaw: Cov me nyuam. Louis Dispatch tom qab, Lub ob hlis ntuj 11, 1924, p. 1 & 3 thiab St. Louis Star-zaug, Lub ob hlis ntuj 15, 1924, p. 1


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