Thiebaud Bauer tsis ua hauj lwm qhov yuam kev nyob hauv 1876

Thiebaud los yog Theobald Bauer yog ib tug Fabkis txoj wrestler, uas xaiv specialized hauv Greco-Roman wrestling. Bauer los txog rau America rau lub sij hawm 1875 cov ntaubntawv thov rau lub ntiaj teb Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship dubious. Nws yuav cug nws lub npe rau 5 xyoo mus txog rau thaum tua yeej yog William Muldoon hauv 1880. Yog hais tias tus kiv cua wrestling paub Bauer txhua, Nws yog txhua zaus raws li qhov tus nrog sib ntaus Muldoon yeej siv lub ntiaj teb no npe.

Wrestling kiv cua hauv lub 1870s yuav tau ras txog lwm nam ntawm Bauer txoj hauj lwm. Nws txawm pheej liam “ua haujlwm” ntais ntawv. Bauer thiab nws tus tw puas txaus siab pom zoo mus ib lub sij hawm ua ntej ntais ntawv thiab sib koom tes hauv ib exhibition txuag, txhob siv ib tseeb contest. Thaum qhov no yog qhov chaw uas feem ntau lub xyoo pua 20th, twv txiaj yog ib feem ntawm xyoo pua puv 19 wrestling kev loj. Kiv cua poob nyiaj rau ib tug “ua haujlwm” Match yog ib txhawj xeeb loj thiab yuav ua tau kom puas cov kev ua si nawv.


Artist rendering txog Theobaud Bauer, Greco-Roman Wrestler cov 1870s thiab 1880s los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Thaum Bauer los txog hauv St. Louis rau ib match hauv 1876, nws kis los ntawm qhov chaw prizefight promoter thiab tus prizefighter Jack Looney. Looney muaj ib lub bar thiab pab npaj cov yas tes mus khaws prizefights rau lub uninhabited Islands tuaj nyob hauv lub hav dej Mississippi River.

Yog tsis raug cai nyob rau hauv lub tebchaws United States prizefighting. Teem dua bouts rau lub Islands tuaj sib pab tiv thaiv cov tub ceev xwm cuam nyob hauv lub bouts vim yog lub nkoj treacherous mus ua si nyob rau hauv cov chaw muaj zog ntawm cov Mississippi tsaws rau ib kob, uas yuav yog los kuj tsis yog hauv koj cheeb tsam.

Pab los ntawm ib tug cim tseg nrog Bauer, leej twg yog tus patron heev heev ntawm qhov prizefights, los yog vim Looney tsis xav sib txeeb mus nws prizefights, Looney raug pab txog kev Bauer nyob hauv ntuj 1876.

Nws yog cov uas siv hauv kev wrestling rau ob contestants mus tab sis muaj ib co ntawm cov nyiaj uas yuav tau muab cov wrestler, Yog hais tias nws yeej ntais ntawv. Piv txwv, ib contestant yuav tso $300.00 ib sab. Yog hais tias yeej Bauer, nws yuav kis tau yooj yim dua feem pua ntawm cov ntawv txais nyiaj rooj vag ntxiv rau $300.00 sab wager ntawm nws tus nrog sib ntaus.

Looney hais tias nws yog ib yam Bauer thiab tus nrog sib ntaus nws rub lawv sab wagers, txaus siab rau lub sij hawm thiab ces Attendance faib cov ntawv txais nyiaj rooj vag. Looney didn’t accuse them of making wagers on the outcome of the match but it would be easy to see how they could enrich themselves in this way through proxy bets.

Bauer responded by placing a challenge in the local paper on May 5, 1876 to meet Looney at any time to settle their differences in a fight. 10 years before, Looney may have jumped at the opportunity to meet Bauer. Nearing 50 years of age though, Looney decided not fight with Bauer in an early boxing versus wrestling bout.

Bauer returned to St. Louis in September 1876 for what was undoubtedly a worked match with frequent opponent William Miller. The exposure four months prior didn’t seem to have much affect on this match as the St. Louis Post-Dispatch called itBauer’s Bonanza”. Even in the 19th Century, wrestling fans were willing to suspend belief, if the match would be interesting or exciting.

Koj tuaj tawm tswv yim lossis nug ib lo lus nug hais txog qhov no lossis muaj nqe lus hauv qab no saib hauv qab no lossis rau ntawm kuv Facebook phab los sis Twitter profile.

Qhov chaw: St. Louis Dispatch tom qab, Tej zaum 5, 1876 ib tsab, p. 4 , Cuaj hlis 27, 1876 ib tsab, p. 4 thiab lub kaum hli ntuj 2, 1876 ib tsab, p. 4

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