Mus pw hav zoov nrog Dad

Tom qab kuv niam yuav txiv tshiab kuv, Ernest Diaz, nyob rau hauv 1981, he was looking for a way for us to spend time together. Kuv tau mus pw hav zoov nrog tus hluas nraug Scouts, so Dad decided that camping would be an effective way for us to get to know each other.

A friend of Dad’s owned property and a cabin in Greenville, MO. We did not stay in the cabin or in a tent for that matter. Nyiam mus khaib dad “raws li cov hnub qub” so we slept on a cot by the fire. He normally slept in his chair.


Photo of Dad, Niam thiab kuv thaum kawm tiav qib High School

Mus peb thawj txawv tebchaws os, ib tug neeg nres tau lawv cov tsheb hla gravel me me uas peb siv mus rau lub campsite ntawm lub pas dej. Dad tsav nyob ib ncig ntawm nws nyob nws 1981 FORD Thunderbird siv tus me toj los ntawm txoj kev.

Thaum peb tuaj so hauv toj, peb yeej tseem tsheb rau ib sis ntawm ob lub log yog zoo li hauv ib qhov ntawm kuv nyiam qhia, the Dukes of Hazzard. The car tilted back down, and we arrived at the site. I thought it was cool, but I do not think Mom was so crazy about our adventure.

Yog zoo li tus nuv ntses. Peb tuaj hauv tsev nrog 40 mus 50 bluegill, which Grandpa Ellis grilled up weeks later with some more that he and Dad caught out of Lake Tishomingo. Nws yog ib qhov ob peb zaug tias kuv enjoyed nuv ntses.

Qhov zoo tshaj qhov uas mus pw hav zoov ib txwm yog cov hluav taws los ua peb, uas peb yuav ua dev kub thiab marshmallows. Peb yuav muab ib tug cav loj loj nyob rau nruab nrab thiab thaum twg lub chaw kub tuag, peb yuav thawb lub sab rau hauv lub qhov hluav taws kub. Nws khaws cov hluav taws kub tag hmo. One year we got it so hot, it melted the cuffs on Dad’s pants.

Tom qab thawj ob peb lub xyoo, Dad’s friend sold his place, but the camping trips helped us bond and are my favorite memories of Dad.

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