Lewis yuav siv npe rov qab los ntawm Munn


On the same day Joe Stecher wrestled Stanislaus Zbyszko for the recognized version of the World Heavyweight Wrestling Championship in St. Louis, Ed “Strangler” Sib tw Lewis “Loj” Wayne Munn rau nws xamphaj Michigan-Illinois ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Championship. Lewis poob lub npe mus Munn rau lub ob hlis ntuj 1925. Nyob rau hnub tim 1925, Zbyszko tua yeej Munn nyob hauv ib tug naas ej double-cross. Ntais ntawv ntawm Lewis thiab

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Zbyszko thiab pib Lewis Riot


Nyob rau hnub tim 7, 1914, 22-xyoo Wladek Zbyszko ntsib Ed 22 xyoo “Strangler” Lewis puas raws li nyob rau hauv ib ntawm ntau qhov yuam kev ntawm ob tug txiv neej lub. Lawv yuav koom tes hauv ib tug xov tooj uas ua hauj lwm los yog “prearranged” ntais ntawv. Qhov tseeb Lewis poob nws American Heavyweight Wrestling Championship los Wladek Zbyszko rau 1917. Nyob rau thaum 1920 los, Lewis yuav nco nws ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling

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Charley Olson neeg ntaus Lavxias


Hais ncaj ntsaim J. Quinn, ib lub zos me nyuam. Tus kws lij choj Louis, txais kev pab raws li tus manager saib xyuas rau kev wrestlers George Baptise, Charley Olson thiab Fred Beell. Kev admirer muas thaum chiv thawj txog George Baptiste, leej twg yog tus lus dab neeg nyob rau hauv tus me nyuam. Louis tsev ua noj thiab hom Vandeventer. Baptiste yuav ntiav Quinn raws li nws lub dab zaub thiab cov kws lij choj rau nws tsev pheebsuab thiab awning niaj hnub tom ntej. Thaum nws

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Masked Marvel rau tus cawm

aberg-masked-marvel-teeb duab

Samuel Rachmann nce lub International Wrestling kev sib tw nyob New York thaum 1915. Rachmann caw wrestlers ntawm ib ncig lub ntiaj teb no mus rau cov kev sib tw, tiam sis nws tswv yim tiag yog tsim nyob sab Europe Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib Alex Aberg li cov successor rau tus txijnkawm Frank Gotch li ntiaj teb tau zus ib. Rachmann txoj kev npaj rau tsim Aberg twb yuav los tom qab cov kev sib tw ncaws tawm

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Kub yus tsis mob Stecher

Martin-yawg-kub yus

Thaum ntxov 1916, Martin “Ua teb” Zaus, leej twg kawm thiab tswj Frank Gotch rau lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Championship, pib tsis tau hais tias nws tsim tam sim no American Heavyweight tau zus ib Joe Stecher. Cov ntaubntawv seemed khib vim kub yus yuav tsum ua haujlwm nrog Stecher ntau xyoo. Kub yus pab npaj Stecher rau nws championship bout nrog Charlie Cutler hauv 1915. Nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev, dab tsi Burns

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Pesek xibtes Strikes Rickard ntawm Wrestling

john-tsov-txiv neej-pesek

Thaum kawg ntawm lub 1910s, Kev wrestling promoters booked wrestlers ua hauj lwm los yog pre-txheej txheem wrestling qhov yuam kev. Puav, Feem ntau yog los ntawm ib tug ntoo khaub lig ob npaug, Kiv cua yuav pom ib contest los yog “tua” Ntais ntawv ntawm lub wrestlers. Ib qhov yuam kev tshwm sim nyob lig 1921 Thiab sawv ntawm ib feud ntawm Tex Rickard, feem ntau yog ib boxing promoter, thiab Jack

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Kev ntseeg lawm tshem tawm

aberg-masked-marvel-teeb duab

Nyob rau lub hlis ntuj nqeg 14, 1915, tus International Wrestling kev sib tw los yog lub kaw. Ib featured match ices Samuel Rachmann promoter yog manipulating kev ua tau kom txaus siab rau qhov nws cov kev sib tw. Tom qab cov wrestling pej xeem ploj tag txaus siab rau cov kev sib tw thaum nws qhib ob peb lub hlis nyob rau lub caij nplooj ntoos hlav, Rachmann yog ib lub gimmicks zoo tshaj plaws hauv keeb kwm kev wrestling tswvcuab. Rachmann

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Lurich Throws Losson


Georg Lurich ua nws lub koob npe nrov li ib tug neeg wrestler nyob nyob sab Europe wrestling Greco-Roman tournaments competing. Thaum Lurich travelled lub tebchaws los ply nws pauv, nws ua rau kev hloov mus catch-as-catch-can wrestling, cov hom style lwm teb chaws Europe. Lurich txais tau zoo rau cov style no thiab yuav tau txhaj tshuaj rau lub ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib, Frank Gotch, Gotch lub xeem

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Ed Lewis Bests Dick Shikat


Lub lim tiam no tus ncej yog tas zaj dabneeg ntawm tus coj hla uas muaj Dick Shikat thiab Danno O'Mahony. Lub hauv paus rau cov coj hla tau pib hauv ib match nrog Ed “Strangler” Lewis hauv Madison Square vaj rau lub rau hli ntuj 9, 1932. Thaum ntais ntawv no yog ib prearranged exhibition, Tus wrestlers yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv kev sib tham txog Lewis xa me nyuam rov cov belt

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Belgian Bloodies tus German Wrestler ntswg


Saum ntuj 21, 1915, tus International Wrestling kev sib tw pib nyob New York. Samuel Rachman nce cov kev tshwm sim raws li ib txoj kev mus showcase nyob sab Europe Greco-Roman Wrestling tau zus ib Alek Aberg. Rachman ntseeg Aberg yog lub ntuj successor rau ntiaj teb Wrestling tau zus ib Frank Gotch, nyob rau hauv uas retired 1913. Rau thawj hnub ntawm cov kev sib tw, nationalistic txoj kev xav txog tsov rog ntiaj teb ua tsov ua rog kuv popped

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