Lewis Wrestles Mondt nyob Kansas City


Ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Ed “Strangler” Lewis wrestled 175,000 tseeb wrestling qhov yuam kev nrog Joseph “Toots” Mondt xyoo. Thaum sib tham nrog nws cov protégé, Lou Thesz, Lewis hais tias nws tsuas yuav tsum txhawj txog poob rau ob wrestlers nyob rau hauv nws cov hauj lwm ntev. Tsuas Mondt thiab Stanislaus Zbyszko muaj sij hawm uas defeating nws nyob hauv ib contest tseeb contest. One

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Prepping Munn rau Lewis


Sunday, Hlis ntuj nqeg 14, 1924, “Loj” Wayne Munn wrestled Joseph “Toots” Mondt hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm daim card wrestling ntawm lub nroog Kansas City, Missouri, Rooj sib txoos. 10,000 Kiv cua tsom mus cheer rau Munn, Ib tus kawm ntawv qib siab football neeg uas ua ntawv rau lub tsev kawm ntawv ntawm Nebraska. Munn yog billed ntawm 6’06”, Uas tej zaum yuav tau ib exaggeration tab sis nws yog ho

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Gotch Bests Bulgarian


Nyob rau hnub tim 14, 1909, Ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Frank Gotch ntsib Yussif Mahmout, ib tug koom Bulgarian wrestler, nyob Chicago, Illinois rau nws lub npe. Kiv cua pom mahmout ib tawv challenger feem ntau vim lawv twb tsis pom nws wrestle. Emil Klank, Gotch tus thawj tswj, convinced txawv teb chaws wrestlers nrog lub koob npe nrov zoo li Mahmout thiab Stanislaus Zbyszko mus rau America los sib tw Gotch. kiv cua

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Aberg Exposes Curley


Aleksander “Alex” Aberg ua headlines nyob rau hauv 1917 Thaum tus foob dua nws tsis kam fulfill ib wrestling siab nyob rau Boston thaum lub peb hlis ntuj 1917. Aberg pom zoo kom wrestle Wladek Zbyszko, Nws tus nrog sib ntaus thaum lub ntsiab 1915 New York International Wrestling Tournaments, Rau Boston promoter George Touhey. Txawm li cas los, Aberg rho tawm hauv lub bout tsocai tom qab kos npe rau ib daim ntawv pom zoo kom wrestle nws

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Gotch Lov ceg

hais ncaj ntsaim-gotch

Tom qab marrying nws tus poj niam Gladys thiab beating Georg Hackenschmidt ib ob zaug, ob leeg nyob rau hauv ob leeg 1911, Ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling Tau zus ib Frank Gotch pib wrestle ib lub sij hawm txwv ntau txwv. Nws tus poj niam Gladys twb tsis muaj kiv cua loj wrestling thiab xav nws tus txiv tshiab los siv sij hawm ntau nyob rau hauv Tsev nyob rau hauv Humboldt, Iowa. Nyob hauv lub ntiaj teb wrestling thaum lub sij hawm,

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Zbyszko Injures Dr. Rau cov menyuam


Saum ntuj 17, 1910, Stanislaus Zbyszko lub xyoo ntev ncig xyuas txog America txuas ntxiv mus raws li nws tau ntsib Dr. Benjamin F. Rau cov menyuam nyob twm, New York. Zbyszko, tau zus ib lub Greco-Roman Wrestling ntawm Poland, xav kom neeg txaus siab rau ib tug neeg match nrog ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Frank Gotch. Nrhiav cov Dr. Rau cov menyuam ntawd yeej tsis tau tuav Gotch, nws twb yog ib saum American

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Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ Cov Headlock

coj txawv txawv-lewis-training-dummy

Ua rau nws lub ib hlis ntuj 24, 1921 Npe match nrog qub ntiaj teb tau zus ib Earl Caddock, Ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Ed “Strangler” Lewis yog reputed kom tau raug mob nws yav dhau los ob tw, Wladek Zbyszko thiab Joe Stecher, Nrog nws headlock. Lewis yuav siv lub headlock mus hip toss nws tus nrog sib ntaus rau hauv pem teb. Zbyszko yog knocked senseless, Thaum nws lub taub hau ntaus lub

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How to Setup a Big Rematch


Rau cov me nyuam. Patrick lub hnub 1908, Martin “Ua teb” Burns met the small but powerful Fred Beell. While both wrestlers weighed 165 phaus, “Ua teb” Burns stood 5’11to Beell’s 5’04”. The 32-year-old Beell had a big age advantage over the 47-year-old Burns though. Burns debuted in 1879, when Beell was 3-years-old. The men were scheduled for a match in Omaha, Nebraska, one

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Stecher and Lewis At It Again


Ed “Strangler” Lewis yog ib qhov zoo tshaj plaws lwm yam hauv kev wrestling enjoyed. Txawm tias Lewis wrestled saibxyuas staged miv, nws khoom txawj wrestling tseeb. Yav tom ntej protégé Lou Thesz lus hais ntau zaug Lewis yuav tuav tej wrestler txhua lub sij hawm, so he was the ideal world champion in the modern era of prearranged matches. Txawm li cas los, early in his career, Lewis

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Nws yog ib tug tua los yog ib tug ua hauj lwm?


Kawg ntawm hlis ntuj nqeg 1916, Ib qho kev tshwm sim coj txawv txawv tshwm sim. John F. Olin, Ib lub zos Massachusetts wrestler, Yeej ib match nrog lub ntiaj teb tam sim no tau zus ib Joe Stecher. Tus referee txais Olin tus khiav tom qab Stecher taug kev deb ntawm ntais ntawv. Ua ntej lub teb chaws Wrestling Alliance (NWA) hloov mus rau txoj cai hauv lub 1950s, championships hloov tes los ntawm disqualification los yog

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