Wrestler Beats Jujitsu Man


On St. Patrick’s Day, Març 17, 1905, St. Louis sports fans were treated to a special match between local professional wrestler George Baptiste and traveling Japanese jujitsu practitioner Arata Suzuki. Baptiste delighted local fans by quickly defeating Suzuki in two straight falls. George Baptiste was a professional wrestler and all-around athlete, whose powerful swimming saved many St. Louisans from drowning

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Perfect Practice Makes Perfect


Last week, it was testing preparation at Willow Martial Arts. We went through the walking drills, forms and self-defense required for Taekwondo testing. As I observed the students preparing, I remembered a statement Master Pat Weseman often told me when I was a colored belt preparing for my next Taekwondo test. “Practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.”

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Create Something Great After 4 Anys


Un mite comú en les arts marcials és que uns estudis de màster per 40 any, desenvolupa una comprensió gairebé sobrehumana de la legítima defensa, crea el sistema perfecte i resulta generacions de combatents imbatibles. Abans de la popularitat de les arts marcials mixtes, many of the magazines such as Black Belt were full of stories about which martial art was the best. If you polled

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