Why I Blog About Martial Arts
最近, 我聽到了一個關於明確識別,為什麼你做任何事情,播客,因為它有效地傳達你的信息很重要. 我開始了武術的博客的一個主要的原因和一些較小的人. 我今天要覆蓋的主要原因. I was not satisfied with most of the martial arts instruction related to self-defense. You
» 閱讀更多格鬥運動史學家和武術家
最近, 我聽到了一個關於明確識別,為什麼你做任何事情,播客,因為它有效地傳達你的信息很重要. 我開始了武術的博客的一個主要的原因和一些較小的人. 我今天要覆蓋的主要原因. I was not satisfied with most of the martial arts instruction related to self-defense. You
» 閱讀更多The problem with too much martial arts’ self-defense instruction is that they are low percentage defenses against unrealistic attacks taught by some instructors, who have limited knowledge of street attacks. 街道或軍事訓練已創建了一些系統,並且是比別人更好. 然而, the insularity of too many martial arts keep some instructors from exploring defenses for different
» 閱讀更多如果你希望能夠為自己辯護, 如果你沒有毅力拖垮攻擊你的空調在世界上最大的技術工作,只有如此有效. 空調是武術訓練中最被忽視的一個方面. Cardio Conditioning – Remember the old saying, “Fatigue makes a coward of all of
» 閱讀更多After you earn your Green Rank, you will have completed your first year of training. Congratulations. On average, 75 percent of students who started with you have already quit training. Lucky for you, they will be much better targets for criminals. A humorous anecdote is told about two campers worried about a bear attack. One of the campers tells his
» 閱讀更多The secret to success in the martial arts or any area of life is mastering the basics. While this statement sounds intuitive, very few people actually do it. Many practitioners find the basics “boring” and want to move onto more advanced moves. The problem with this approach is emphasizing a 1 percent move over a 99 percent move. Taking Taekwondo
» 閱讀更多Despite its worldwide popularity and it’s rank as the most popular martial art in the United States, (TKD) is beginning to lose some of it’s luster due to its perceived lack of success in Mixed Martial Arts. (MMA) is the biggest thing to hit the martial arts world since Jigaro Kano decided to go to a colored and black belt system to denote rank within his school,
» 閱讀更多Orange Rank is the next step on the path to obtaining a 1st Degree Black Rank in the Zimmerman Self-Defense System. You will continue to learn new techniques and start to figure out what you are naturally good at and what you need to work on more. Orange and Green Ranks sometimes trouble students because the novelty of training in
» 閱讀更多薩姆·希爾, 西雅圖的商人, 在帶來山下昭教授美國 1902. 山下教授旨在幫助傳播博士. 柔道Jigoro卡諾的相對較新的門派. 陪同山下教授是他的學生前田光世. 前田會去任教卡洛斯·格雷西巴西. 該Gracies修改技術進入巴西柔術的藝術. 以上
» 閱讀更多Spike TV began to broadcast a show that would put mixed martial arts on the mainstream map. 16 fighters lived in a house and competed in a tournament to see which two fighters would win a six figure UFC contract. The Ultimate Fighter would change television and the UFC for good. At one point during the Finale, ten million households
» 閱讀更多當我第一次在我們的社區大學開始了武術與空手道松濤館類, 教師遞出了一篇文章給大家讀. 文章佈滿統計研究. 研究發現,每中 10,000 武術的學生只 100 會去賺黑帶. Most beginning students quit after six months
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