Chief Desmond Discovers Murder


On February 10, 1897, 60-year-old William H. Stewart, a civil engineer, died in St. Louis City Hospital. Stewart passed away from a morphine overdose. 聖. Louis Police originally thought it was a case of suicide or accidental overdose. Stewart lived with his son-in-law F.C. Bennett at 2634 Dickson Street. 先生. Bennett categorically denied Mr. Stewart used drugs of any kind.

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Detective Desmond Stops Jail Escape


On the morning of Wednesday, 七月 8, 1885, the Coroner’s Clerk Jimmy Spaulding rushed into the Police Court at the Four Courts building. 斯波爾丁公佈監獄囚犯在保持筆等待一個剛剛逃脫,,en,雖然大多數法院成員坐在目瞪口呆,,en,那個老人,,en,與繩梯的平面,,en. While most of the members of court sat stunned, 偵探比利·德斯蒙德跳了起來,衝出法庭的,,en,這位28歲的偵探跑到筆的時候正好看到兩條腿懸在孔,,en,當其他囚犯逃脫,,en,德斯蒙德抓起一條腿,,en,說過,,en,回到這來,,en,有力地拖著該男子回筆,,en,德斯蒙德低下頭去看臭名昭著聖路易斯賊精讀弗利,,en,當弗利實現德斯蒙德是抱著他的腿,,en,他投降,,en,弗利迅速查明逃犯威廉·克拉克,,en.

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