Customer Service Lessons from Grandpa

Nyob rau lub caij Kwvyees li xyoo 1990, Kuv yawg, Gilbert Ellis, tau nyob nrog kuv cov Maureen niam hlob thiab txiv hlob Dale. Lawv txiav txim rau ib tug loj nkas-las/tso ntsia, yog li yawg thiab kuv tus txiv ntxawm yuav muaj ib tug rhiav. Lawv yuav tsum rau tso assembled thiab nrog rau ib lub zos hluav taws xob niaj hnub khiav hluav taws xob qhov rhiav.

Dale dab laug twb khiav ib co errands rau hnub uas lub tuam txhab ntawd mus ua cov hauj lwm, ces yawg tos rau cov electricians. Lawv yeej tsis tshwm. Ib lub lis piam los yog tom qab no,, Grandpa was home and the men showed up to run the electricty. Li ib nrab kev ho cov hauj lwm, the electricians realized that they did not have a part.


Yawg thiab Grandma Ellis, Maureen niam hlob thiab niam ntawm lub 1980s.

The electricians told Grandpa that they would be back after lunch to finish the job. Yawg twb los mus twv txiaj yuam pov tus tav su ntawd, tiam sis nws qhov kev uas ua hauj lwm zoo xav, ces nws hais rau lawv kom tau ib sab thiab rov qab los. The electricians never returned.

On the day that the company returned, Grandpa wanted to let them know how unhappy he was with their service but Uncle Dale did not want Grandpa too.

Dale txiv ntxawm nyob rau ib qhov chaw nyob deb nroog ntawm Jefferson County thiab hais rau yawg, “Dad, koj yuav siv rau tej yam hauv St. Louis. Nws yog ib txoj kev ua nyias neej lawm os. Neeg tsis mloog tos.”

Yawg twb tsis txaus siab, tiam sis nws yog thiab them rau txoj hauj lwm, ces nws cia li bided nws lub sij hawm. Tom qab ob peb teev, Kuv tus txiv hlob rov los kom tau yawg. Nws hais rau txiv ntxawm Dale, “Tam sim no, Kuv yuav tham rau cov hais mav.”

Yawg nov lawd lub foreman thiab hais tias, “Thawj thawj zaug uas nej thiab tuaj lawm no, koj tsis. Kuv Tub Ntsuag xav xav no txhua hnub rau koj. Qhov thib ob lub sij hawm koj tuaj lawm os, koj tsis nco qab ib qho. Kuv hloov kuv lub hom phiaj, thiaj yuav tas cov hauj lwm tab sis koj tsis tuaj thiab koj tsis hu rau kuv.”

Nws summed los hais tias, “Li ntawd, vim koj ua kuv tos, koj yuav tau tos. Koj xa tuaj rau kuv ib daim nqi. Kuv mam li xa ib daim tshev.” Nws muab rau kuv txiv ntxawm thiab hais tias, “Nws yog ib txoj kev ua nyias neej lawm os, Dale. Lawv tsis mloog tos.”


Yawg Ellis ntawm cov Kwvyees li xyoo 1990

This story is pure Grandpa and one of my favorite from the latter part of his life. He was in his early 80s but still as mentally sharp as he had always been.

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