Rov 5: Neeg pab leg ntaubntawv

Hauv no rov, Kuv yuav tau sib tham txog tej tus neeg pab leg ntaubntawv qus, wrestlers thiab wrestling historians ua txog kev wrestling qhov yuam kev.

Hloov tshiab

I recently discovered that before Mildred Burke was even born, Wrestling kiv cua thiab reporters pom tau hais tias Cora Livingston ua tus thawj poj niam wrestling tau zus ib. Cora kawm wrestle hauv lub carnivals. A pro from 1906 mus 1925, she married Paul Bowser in 1913, when both were professional wrestlers. After Paul Bowser established himself as the promoter for the city of Boston, Massachusetts, Cora retired to assist him with the promotion.

I will be writing about Cora in the future. I am sure she will be the focus of a future podcast.


Artist rendering of Zbyszko vs. Aberg from February 27, 1914 Boston Globe (Public sau)

Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb

Thaum ntxov 1914, Stanislaus Zbyszko realized that Frank Gotch would not wrestle him again. Before he left for Poland and joined the Polish Army as a lieutenant, Zbyszko wrestled fellow Greco-Roman wrestler Alex Aberg for the World Heavyweight Greco-Roman Wrestling Championship.

Ntais ntawv txawm nta hlo 5,000 fans to the Boston, Massachusettes Mechanical Building. 5,000 fans was a great crowd in this era.

I recount the match, which Zbyszko won two-out-of-three falls. I originally wrote about his match in 1915.

When I wrote about this match on my blog around 2015, a reader left a comment stating that promoters paid Aberg $10,000 to drop the match to Zbyszko. I discuss why this claim does not make sense from a business or financial perspective.

Financially, if we use the high-ticket price of $2.00 rau 5,000 kiv cua, Touhey paid his entire gate of $10,000 to Aberg to lose the match. Touhey did not draw a $10,000 gate for this match.

Gambling is the other significant source of income during this era. A specialty wrestling match with an unknown wrestler does not draw big bets.

From a business perspective, you would pay the established wrestler, who is leaving America to return to Poland, to lose to the newcomer with ambitions to replace Frank Gotch as the recognized World Heavyweight Champion. Aberg would not drop his first big match in the country, if he wanted fans to recognize him as Frank Gotch’s replacement.

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Cover of Gotch vs. Zbyszko available on Amazon in ebook, paperback thiab hardcover

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