Rov 66 – Sandow thiab Lewis

Hauv no rov, Peb tham li cas thiab thaum Billy Sandow thiab Ed “Strangler” Lewis yeej tau ntsib.

Hloov tshiab

We discuss the status of my research project on Ed “Strangler” Lewis’ hauj lwm thaum ntxov.

Peb kuj tham txog AEW cov teeb meem tsis ntev los no xaus lawv qhia tau hais tias rau lub sij hawm.

We finish with terrible NFL owners and their tendency to stick their noses into football decisions.

Yog-yuav luag-real-podcast-daim duab

Podcast Art for the It Was Almost Real: Tus Pro Wrestling keeb kwm Podcast

Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb

When fans wonder where all the false information about historical wrestlers came from, the answer is often from the wrestlers themselves or their managers.

Nyob rau thaum 1920 los, Sandow and Lewis capitalized on the popularity of the Gold Dust Trio by publishing a series of books on physical culture and wrestler.

In the introduction, Sandow and Lewis claim that Sandow discovered Lewis, when Lewis was still an amateur.

Txawm li cas los, Sandow and Lewis made this version of events up out of whole cloth. Sandow did not meet Lewis until Lewis had been a professional wrestler for at least three years.


We review the Lou Thesz vs. “WildBill Longson match from the Dallas Sportatorium in 1952. Longson is 48-years-old in this match but can keep up with the 36-year-old Thesz.

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Keeb kwm-ntawm-ib-lus dab neeg-rau-txiav txim siab-ntawm-ed-strangler-lewis-npog

Npog keeb kwm ntawm ib lus dab neeg lus dab neeg, Zaj dabneeg muaj tseeb ntawm Ed “Strangler” Lewis’s early career

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