Evan “Strangler” Lewis qhia ib txoj kab phem

Evan “Strangler” Lewis, tseem hu ua Evan Lewis “lub Strangler”, yog ib wrestler ntawm kev 1882 mus 1899. Lewis yog tus thawj American Heavyweight mos-ua-ntes tau tau zus ib Wrestling. Nws kuj cov thawj wrestler kom zoo meej cov “stranglehold” los sis “tswj tuav”, which modern MMA fans know as a guillotine choke.

Lewis txiav nws kev debut winning ib 64 txiv neej kev sib tw nyob rau hauv lub ntuj 1882. Lewis yeej lub npe rau American 1887 thiab tuav kom txog rau thaum nws 1895. Lewis poob siv rau Martin “Ua teb” Zaus, leej twg Lewis tuav hauv kub yus’ kev debut hauv 1886.


Evan “Strangler” Lewis los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Tseem ua 1886, Lewis has a pair of matches, which established his reputation as the most vicious wrestler of his time. Lewis was wrestling Matsada Sorakichi, one of the first Japanese professional wrestlers. Sorakichi tuaj mus rau teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas vim kev wrestling twb tsis nrov nyob rau Nyiajpoom teb thaum lub sij hawm. Yog me dua cov wrestlers Sorakichi, tiam sis nws yog hais txog qhov sib npaug ntawm Lewis Asmelikas. Raws li cov txheej xwm yuav qhia, Sorakichi twb tsis koom rau hauv wrestling.

Nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 1886, “Lub Strangler” yuam kev tawm Sorakichi nyob Chicago, Illinois. Ringside fans said Sorakichi’s face turned gray from the loss of blood. Lub rematch twb teem tau rau lub ob hlis ntuj 15, 1886 uas Evan Lewis yuav tsis siv nws stranglehold.

Lewis often had to deal with local authorities or even the promoters banning his pet hold, which he often held on after the person lost consciousness.

Whenever his hold was banned, Lewis flew in a rage. MatsadaMatSorakichi would feel the full force of Lewisrage What he attempted to do to Sorakichi would still be talked about two months later. Cov tim 6, 1886 ib tsab ntawm tus Abbeville neeg xa xov liaison ntawm Abbeville, South Carolina ris ib tug account uas ntais ntawv.

Raws li cov nyiaj nyob rau hauv daim ntawv, Yuav luag Lewis strangled Sorakichi “yuav tuag” nyob rau lub ib hlis ntuj 1886. Qhov no, although local authorities expressed concern about the “stranglehold”, it was the promoter who banned the “stranglehold”. Lub stranglehold tsis yog Evan Lewis’ cuav xwb ho tuav.

Parson Davies was the promoter, who chose H. C. Palmer to be the referee for the return bout. Leej txiv neej nkag mus rau lub nplhaib nyob 9 p.m. Evan “Strangler” Lewis sawv 5’09” thiab weighed 180 phaus, zoo rau lub heavyweight ntawm no era. Matsada Sorakichi yog ob peb nti luv luv ntawm 5’06” tab sis weighed 165 phaus.


Matsuda Sorakichi los ntawm cov pej xeem sau ntawv

Sorakichi rushed Lewis hauv ib match ntawd kub ntev li xwb ib pliag los yog tej. Thaum Sorakichi raug heev tsis coj Lewis, Nws poob mus rau hauv av nyob rau hauv ib txoj kev los tejzaum yuav tuav ib. Lewis pom tau hais Sorakichi ntawd ua dab thiab tsawv nkaus ib ceg ntsuas phoo.

Locks ceg yog ib co chaw tuas rau grappling vim yog thaum koj hnov mob thiab pib coj mus rhaub, nws puas muaj twb tau ua rau tus nqws. Nws tsis tuaj Lewis npaj cia Sorakichi coj mus rhaub. Nws muab Sorakichi rau hauv ib version ntawm ib lub kneebar rau ntawm rhuav nws lub taw. Lewis nres xwb vim catcalls los ntawm tus kiv cua.

Chiv, Lewis twb ntxhi tom qab tso cia, tiam sis nws qhia hloov tau vim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm tus kiv cua. Sorakichi yuav tau sib pab tawm lub nplhaib. A medical examination showed that the limb was not broken but the ligaments of the knee and ankle were strained and damaged. Lewis kam tsis apology rau nws tau ua dab tsi.

The 25-year-old Evan Lewis was born on May 24, 1860 nyob rau hauv Ridgeway, Wisconsin. Nws yuav muaj ib tug hauj lwm ntev thiab distinguished wrestling. Lewis retired back to Wisconsin where he died on November 3, 1919 thaum muaj hnub nyoog 59. Raws li xov xwm tso nyiaj, Lewis lawm mob rau ob lub xyoos.

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Evan “Lub Strangler” Lewis hauv Paperback

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