Evan Lewis’ Stranglehold

Tsev xa no thawm xyoo yog ib podcast tshaj tawm rau hauv xov 2015. Hauv no rov, Kuv tham txog dab tsi Evan “Lub Strangler” Lewis’ tuav yuav tsum hu ua hnub no.

Cov ntsiab lus tseem ceeb – Thaum twg kuv xub hnov stranglehold los yog "hang tuav" ntawm Evan "The Strangler" Lewis, nws tsis nyuaj li ib guillotine txhawm chim. Txawm li cas los, Kuv ntsuam xyuas lwm piav nws li ib rear txhawm chim liab qab.

Lewis heev heev ntshai vim cov teebmeem ntawm tus stranglehold. Ib co txiv wrestlers dos twb raug mob, thaum ob peb twb tsis tau mus ntxiv rau lawv qhov yuam kev. Ib txhia twb pib tshwm liab rings ncig cov dos. Kuv twb ras los ntawm no tau hauj lwm vim lub rear txhawm chim liab qab zoo heev rau qhov cov tshuab.

Cov teeb meem yog Lewis retired ua ntej zaj duab xis yog tej kev wrestling. Duab Lewis ntawv yog muaj ob peb lub neej posed, tiam sis tsuas ob peb artist renderings yeej muaj nyob ntawm nws qhov yuam kev. Cov renderings All illustrated Lewis, tuav.


Evan “Lub Strangler” Lewis hauv Paperback

Txog thaum uas kuv pheej nrhiav tau lwm tus lub ob hlis ntuj 2, 1890 ib tsab ntawm tus Pittsburgh Dispatch (Pittsburgh, PAJ). Nyob rau hauv ib tsab xov xwm extolling lub virtues ntawm wrestling ua ib cov self-defense, tus tuav rau tsab xov xwm sau ib qho kev ntawm cov Stranglehold.

Thiab yog...lub guillotine txhawm chim. Dheev, nws puas Lewis inflicted ntawm nws tus tw tau hnov. Nrog lub guillotine koj yuav muab siab rau ob leeg carotid thiab/los yog pas.

Kuv nyuam qhuav kho tiav Evan Lewis "Lub Strangler": Lub Wrestler Feared feem coob ntawm cov 19th Xyoo pua uas examines ntau battles nyob zoo kawg thiab qhia nws cov hauj lwm thiab cov. Lewis yog kev wrestling thawj neeg phem mas them lub koob npe nrov fearsome ntawm cov stranglehold.

Lewis’ reputation really took a sinister turn due to his two match series with Sorakichi Matsada in Chicago in early 1886. After Lewis almost “strangledSorakichi to death in January 1886, lub stranglehold banned. Lewis took out his frustration on Sorakichi Matsada with an even more damaging hold.

Kuv yuav qhia rau tus nyeem ntawv txiav txim yog Lewis yog ib tug neeg phem, misunderstood los yog qhov chaw in-between.

Koj tuaj tawm tswv yim lossis nug ib lo lus nug hais txog qhov no lossis muaj nqe lus hauv qab no saib hauv qab no lossis rau ntawm kuv Facebook phab los sis Twitter profile.

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