Fred Beell Unimpressive rau 1903

Fred Beell tsim ib lub koob npe nrov rau thaum ntxov 20th xyoo pua ua haib thiab yus wrestler. Nws lub koob npe nrov yog tsis ua raws nws 1903 kev sib tw. Beell puas muaj coob-profile xwb li yeej loj heev.


Fred Beell hauv Washington zaug

Beell pib nyob rau hnub tim 1903, thaum nws tua yeej St. Paul AAU Wrestling tau zus ib James McAuley. McAuley yeej lawm lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj hauv 22 feeb. Beell yeej lawm tom ntej ob poob feeb tsug kaum peb thiab kaum ob. McAuley muab lub caij nplooj zeeg plaub nyob plaub feeb. Pib lub caij nplooj zeeg fifth thiab zaum kawg, leej txiv neej muaj fatiguing tiamsis Beell summoned tag nrho nws lub zog. Beell txawb McAuley rau lub caij nplooj zeeg nyob rau hauv kaum plaub feeb.

When the men met again for the Northwest Wrestling Championship, McAuley muab rho tawm kua zaub ntsuab thiab yeej siv. Beell muab lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj tab sis McAuley yeej kawg yog ob qhov kev uas yuav ntog.

Beell yeej lawm lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj tom qab nees nkaum plaub feeb rau ib nrab hnub-nelson. Lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj noticeably fatigued nws. McAuley tua yeej Beell nrog rau ib nrab hnub-nelson hauv 9 feeb, 30 vib nas this.

Beell defensively fought nyoob ntais ntawv. Txawm nws tsis hem McAuley uas swb, Nws muab tus McAuley yuav luag 45 feeb mus rau Beell tus pin rau lub caij nplooj zeeg kawg rau ib nrab hnub-nelson.

Tus biggest surprise ntawm 1903 Marshfield tshwm sim, Wisconsin rau lub kaum hli ntuj 30, 1903. Maj mam txawm Ed Adamson ntawm cov me nyuam. Louis tua yeej Beell. Tus bout yog contested rau 3 leeg ntawm 5 leeg ntog zam.

Unsurprisingly, Beell yeej lawm lub caij nplooj zeeg thawj hauv 27 feeb. Adamson sawv daws tias hluav taws tom winning tus tom ntej no peb kev ntog. Adamson yeej txoj kev uas yuav ntog hauv 51, 10 thiab 41 feeb.

Fred Beell pib wrestling tso hauv 1895. Chiv, nws wrestled mas nyob hauv Wisconsin thiab cov uas nyob nruab ntsab. Beell txais kev pab rau cov tub rog thaum tsov rog Mev-American ua ntej yuav rov hauv tsev. Nws yuav nyob rau hauv 1902.

Tom qab tej kev underwhelming 1903 kev sib tw, Beell yuav tau mas nws txiav txim siab rov qab mus wrestling. Nws cov hauj lwm defining championship yeej xwb nyob rau hauv 1906 yuav lwv cov xav phem cais tsis. Nyob rau hauv 1903, yog tawv coj.

Vim li cas koj xav tias Beell struggled kawm tau ntawv zoo nyob rau hauv 1903? Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab, Twitter profile thiab Google+ nplooj ntawv.

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