Robert Harold “Harry” Zimmerman (1911-1936)

Kuv yawg Frank O. Zimmerman cov nus hiob yog Robert Harold “Harry” Zimmerman. Lawv twb laus ib half-brothers plaub thiab muam/viv ncaus thiab ib tus tuag half-sister tiamsis Harry yog tus me nyuam thawj zaug ntawm Parker L. Zimmerman thiab nws niam minyuam. Yawg yuav tsum yug los yuav 28, 1913. Harry yog tsis me ntsis thaum nws tuag nyob ib ncig ntawm lub hnub nyoog uas 25 los ntawm pob dej ntawm tus hav dej Mississippi River rau lub yim hli ntuj 12, 1936. Kuv tsis muaj nws lub hnub yug tsis tau.


Parker Zimmerman tuav Harry thiab Dollie Zimmerman tuav Frank O. hauv cov ntoo, MO hauv 1913.

Thaum lub sij hawm nws tag sim neej, Harry yog cov neeg tswj xyuas lossis foreman hauv ib lub nkoj los yog barge traversed tus hav dej Mississippi River. Yog tej yam txawv rau tej tus hluas nraug tab sis Harry muaj ib qho koj zoo mus rau nws. Nws hais tau sawv ntsug 6’06” nyob rau hauv nws ob txhais thom khwm. Tej lub loj loj txiv neej nyob rau thaum xyoo pua Twentieth yuav tsum tau kev pom imposing.

Txiv ntxawm kuv ntseeg hais tias tias Harry yog zaum nce vim yog nws qhov coob thiab kev muaj peev xwm “pov nws yuag ib ncig”. Nyob rau hnub ua ntej txoj cai nruj chaw ua hauj lwm, workmen yuav yog heev tawv thiab yooj yim uas tswj tus. Nrig fights hais tsis sib haum ntawm cov neeg ua hauj lwm los yog cov neeg ua haujlwm thiab cov saib dejnum kev tau ntau dua qhov chaw puas kam. Ib tug txiv neej tawv ntawm Harry qhov luaj li cas yuav ua tej yam tswj thiab pheev tswj yog nws xav tau los. Kuv tus txiv ntxawm yim uas yuav tau los coj kom nws tuag untimely.

Thaum nws hais Harry ua lub neej poob rau hauv tus dej, he believes that a disgruntled worker or workers pushed Harry into the water. Seb lawv puas tau los tsis, peb yuav tsis paub, tiam sis yeej zaum. Nws yog tej yam txawv kom hluas ces ib tug txiv neej uas nws kim heev dej kev rau nws cov hnub nyoog yuav poob rau hauv tus dej.

Txawm li cas los, it happened, Harry fell from the upper deck of the barg to the river below, a height of about three to four stories on a building. Searchers found him the next day in the Mississippi River by the bank on the Illinois side of the river.

Parker, Dollie, and Harry’s brothers and sisters attended his funeral. I have a picture from his funeral. Parker buried his third child at way too young of an age.


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