Dab neeg cov Square taw npua
Nyob deb lawm, tus tshiab tuav tseg uas muaj ntawv pov thawj tus xib fwb nyob ib txhis martial art coj tus taw npua log nrog ib tug kab tshwm kev pom zoo rau qhov style thiab nws ob sab saum toj instructors taub hau. Yav tas los, lub log taw npua muaj log tsheb square thiab yog hu ua tus taw npua square.
Tus menyuam kawm ntawv tos nrog expectation li taub hau ntawm lub cev thiab lub taub hau ob instructors maj mam tse nws txoj kev txhim kho rau cov khoom siv.

Kenneth thiab Caleb Promoted thib plaws dub thiab dub 1 plaws feem.
Lub taub hau ntawm lawv ntsia cov xib fwb tshiab thiab hais tias, "Uas muab koj tso cai kom muab tso tshwm rau ntawm tus taw npua square?"Tus thawj lub taub hau txij tas, "Peb Founder, Grandmaster Smith, Nco ntsoov siv tus taw npua square thaum lub kaw lus founded nws 200 xyoo dhau los." Qhov thib ob lub taub hau txij liam tias, "Koj nyob nraum ib lub txiag raug teeb meem, tsis tau koj?”
Thaum uas ib txhia yuav foob kuv ntawm absurdity nyob rau hauv qhov kev piv txwv, the reaction of many martial artists to innovation is often absurd. Tsis txhob embracing hloov ua ib yam tshwm sim, martial ntau nyuab los hau hauv cov xuab zeb thiab ua li yog tseem samurai ncig lub teb chaws.
Thoob plaws hauv kuv hauj lwm martial arts, Kuv muaj tau ntxhov siab los ntawm lub qhov nkaum bound mas mus kev lig kev cai thaum uas raug nqi ntau tiam sis tshiab xws li sib xyaw martial arts.
Ob peb xyoos dhau los thaum peb pib peb academy kuv nkaus forums ob peb tiam sis tso tom qab ob peb lub hlis. Instructors yuav tseem arguing hla uas style yog zoo dua qub thiab ntsia ntawm txhua yam los ntawm cov plaub ntawm lawv martial arts. Cov lus nug tau teb nees nkaum xyoo dhau los. Nrhiav tus thawj xya los yim qhov kawg sib ntaus Championship txheej xwm. Koj yuav kawm tau ntau yam.
Tom qab xyoo uas ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv lub cev ntau, Kuv txiav txim siab los ua kuv lub kaw lus kev muaj tiag raws li self-defense.
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