Lewis thiab ua Zbyszko cam thawj dua Referee

Yauhas-contos-daim card-hauv-1923

Ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Ed “Strangler” Lewis twb teem tau raws li tus tau zus ib Stanislaus Zbyszko ntawm lub St. Louis Coliseum txog hnub plaub, Hlis ntuj nqeg 14, 1922 tab sis, ntais ntawv yuav luag tus hu ua rho tawm hauj lwm vim qhov dhau ib referee xaiv. Txoog xwb tom qab cov intercession of St. Louis promoter John Contos uas leej txiv neej pom zoo rau cov me nyuam. Louis

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Zbyszko “Yeej” Ntiaj teb no npe rau 1921


Polish wrestler thiab strongman Stanislaus Zbyszko xub tuaj txog hauv tebchaws 1909 rau cov kev sib tw rau kev txhaj tshuaj rau ntiaj teb Heavyweight Wrestling tau zus ib Frank Gotch. Nws tau txais thiab ploj ntais ntawv nyob rau hauv ib contest tseeb thaum 1910. Zbyszko tseem wrestling ob peb xyoos ntau thiab ua tau yeej lub qab ntuj Greco-Roman Heavyweight Wrestling Championship hauv 1914 ntawm hated rival

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Ob Shooters ua hauj lwm ib match

john-tsov-txiv neej-pesek

Tuesday, Hlis ntuj nqeg 12, 1916, local favorite, John “Tus Nebraska Tsovman” Pesek wrestled fellow shooter, AlDutchMantell, in a worked match. Pesek recently trained with fellow Nebraska wrestler and recognized World Champion Joe Stecher prior to this match. Pesek developed a notorious reputation for shooting with other wrestlers. Txawm li cas los, Pesek was a 22-year-old up-and-comer still learning to wrestle, Thauj tw

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Bibby ntau heev rau Matsuda


Nyob rau 1880s thaum ntxov, Sorakichi Matsuda, or Matsada in most American newspapers, traveled to the United States to wrestle professionally. Japan did not have a developed professional wrestling circuit, so Matsuda thought he would bring the sport back to Japan after an apprenticeship in the United States. After training for a while, Matsuda signed an agreement to wrestle the first

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Oscar Wasem Defeats Joe Carroll


Oscar Wasem pib nws cov hauj lwm nyob rau hauv St. Louis, Missouri under the tutelage of George Baptiste. Wasem was a good enough wrestler that Wasem defeated a young Frank Gotch in 1901. Wasem, cov me nyuam. Louis Champion, pinned Gotch, Iowa Champion. Thaum Gotch mus ua America tus loj tshaj tseeb kev wrestler, Wasem tseem nyob ib solid journeyman. Wasem supplemented his professional

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Londos Wrestles Coleman thiab Shikina


I recently discovered a three minute clip on YouTube, which included two of Jim Londosmatches from the 1930s. In the first match, Londos wrestles Abe Coleman. In the second match, Londos wrestles a mixed styles match with Oki Shikina, who was trained by Taro Miyake, the Judo black belt and professional wrestler. Londos was the biggest box office star

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Acton Wrestles Fitzsimmons


Txog rau hnub Friday, Kaum ib hlis 27, 1891, former American Heavyweight Wrestling Champion Joe Acton wrestled future World Heavyweight Boxing Champion Bob Fitzsimmons in San Francisco, California. The men wrestled for a reported $1,000.00 hnab tawv pojniam. Acton usually gave up size to his opponent but Acton outweighed the 148-pound Fitzsimmons by seven pounds. The men wrestled a two-out-of-three falls match according to catch-as-catch-can wrestling

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Browning Defeats Jenkins

jim-browning-verona-missouri-wrestler-and-world champion

Nyob rau lub hlis ntuj nqeg 17, 1923, Jim Browning wrestled a rare match in his hometown of Verona, Missouri. Four hundred fans from the surrounding area crowded into the venue to watch the match between Browning and Clarence Jenkins, a wrestler from Emporia, Kansas. Both Browning and Jenkins wrestled most of their matches in Kansas during 1923. Browning was starting a career that

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Londos vs. Nagurski nyob rau hauv 1938


Nyob rau lub kaum ib hlis 18, 1938, Qub ntiaj teb wrestling tau zus ib Jim Londos wrestled tam sim no tau zus ib Bronko Nagurski, Tus poj qub football neeg uas ua ntawv rau lub Chicago Bears. Cov txiv neej wrestled hauv Philadelphia, Pennsylvania rau Nagurski version ntawm lub ntiaj teb wrestling championship. Koj yuav saib tau lub 14-feeb match hauv nws cov entirety rau YouTube. Thaum kuv saib ntais ntawv thawj zaug, ntau

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Ismail Wrestles Jenkins

yusuf-ismail-txaus ntshai-turk

Saum ntuj 5, 1898, Yusuf Ismail wrestled Tom Jenkins hauv Cleveland, Ohio. Ismail tsuas toured lub teb chaws As Mes Lis Kas rau (6) lub hlis thaum ntxov ntawm 1898. Ismail wrestled tsawg tshaj 10 qhov yuam kev tab sis tshuav ib txog kev puas tsuaj txog hnub no. Ismail ua ib impression haib impression los yooj yim defeating Evan "Strangler" Lewis. Ismail kuj ua ib qho muaj zog

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