Tus poj niam hauv ntsuab (1945)

Tus poj niam hauv ntsuab (1945) yog cov ninth of twelve Sherlock Holmes (affiliate link) produced by Universal Pictures. Basil Rathbone returns as Holmes in the eleventh of fourteen turns as the English sleuth. Naam yog ib lub ntawm ob peb lub “B” Series films, uas yuav muaj tau ib tug “IB” zaj duab xis. Sherlock Holmes investigates tua neeg ntau cov London tus poj niam. Tom qab lawv murdered, lub killer tuskheej neeg ntawd tus forefinger.

zaub txig theem-rathbone

Scotland vaj ntseeg hais tias ib tug madman yog lub luag hauj lwm rau lub murders. Tiam sis Holmes nyaj daim zajlus ua num criminals npaj. Nws ntsiab lus tawm surgically removed ntiv tes ua ib tug nws thawj peb. During the investigation, Holmes discovers the murders were in aid of a more clever crime.

Cov poj niam nyob ntsuab tsis yog tsis npaum. Tsis pub dhau lub npe 30 feeb, tus tuav paub leej twg qab daim zajlus. Sherlock Holmes thaum txoj kev paub tsis meej hauv naam li koj sim twv seb nws yuav kom daws tau qhov txhaum.

Zaj duab xis universal ho khees me ntsis lawm ntau lawm zoo naam. Cov poj niam nyob ntsuab tsa ib tug “IB” zaj duab xis nyob hauv nws cov mise-siv cov-scene.

Los ntawm cov lus qhib scene ntawm Scotland vaj, cov xim kom nthuav dav rau cov tsim teev, costuming thiab khoom ua ib theem ntawm kev loj hlob tshwm tsis tag rau hauv lawd lub koob.

The prototypical “B” zaj duab xis neeg phem Henry Daniell plays xibfwb Moriarty hauv no zaj duab xis. Nigel Bruce kuj rov li Dr. John Watson. Paul Cavanaugh cim Sir George Fenwick, ib tug ntawm cov neeg raug dag hais blackmail. Holmes pab Greyson kws soj ntsuam qhov zaj duab xis.

Naam sau txog 68 feeb.

Koj puas xav ntawm no zaj duab xis zoo li cas? Koj yuav tawm ib saib los nug cov lus nug txog qhov no los yog tej tsev xa rau kuv Facebook phab, Twitter profile thiab Google+ nplooj ntawv.

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