Frank Moellenberg (1891 – 1941)

Kuv txiv tshiab, Ernest C. Diaz, tsa ceg kuv, ces kuv nrog nws tsev neeg nyob rau hauv kuv tshawb fawb genealogical. Txawm li cas los, Dad tus txiv, Joseph Diaz, emigrated ntawm Mexico thiab nws niam Marie Moellenberg yog ib tug thawj tiam American yug rau German neeg tsiv teb. Nrhiav lus rau nws tsev neeg tsis tau yooj yim.

We know Joseph’s father was Ulalio Diaz and his mother’s birth name was Betty Ramiro but do not have any information about them or the generations before them. Peb muaj me ntsis ntxiv rau tsev neeg Moellenberg. Nws puv tawm Dad tus txiv ntxawm, Frank Moellenberg, tshuav ib txojsia tseem ceeb rau cov me nyuam. Louis.


Frank Moellenberg lub tsev nyob rau hauv 1941 – Losntawm hauv Google ntiaj teb

Frank Moellenberg yug hauv Cologne, Lub teb chaws Yelemees rau lub yim hli ntuj 30, 1891, John Moellenberg thiab Adele Moellenberg nee Borman. Nyob rau hauv 1893, John thiab Adele immigrated nrog nws tsev neeg mus rau me nyuam. Louis, MO, qhov twg Dad tus niam, Marie Moellenberg, yug hauv 1896.

Cov Moellenbergs tended los yog entrepreneurs. John uas lub tsev muag khoom noj; brother Henry owned a gas station and Frank owned a jewelry and optical shop in Carondolet.

Nyob rau hauv 1917, 26-xyoo Frank Moellenberg nkaus cov tub rog thiab pom nyob rau Fabkis, where German troops wounded Frank at Argonne. Thaum twg nws rov qab los ntiaj teb ua tsov ua rog I, Frank Moellenberg joined American Legion Post 162, uas tau ntsib hauv nws lub zos parish, St. Lub tsev teev ntuj Kas Thaus Liv Boniface. Frank stayed an active supporter of St. Boniface kom txog rau thaum nws yuav tuag.

Frank also served as Republican election judge in St. Louis City, Missouri. Nyob rau hauv 1923, 32-year-old Frank Moellenberg married 29-year-old Johanna Mueller. Hais ncaj ntsaim thiab Johanna yuav muaj cov ob tug tub, Cai Richard thiab John.

Hais ncaj ntsaim tseem khiav nws cov hniav nyiaj hniav kub zoo thiab kho qhov muag ua lag ua luam, Thaum ua American Legion ncej 162. Hauv lub peb hlis ntuj 28, 1941, 49-xyoo Frank Moellenberg pib koj tsis, ces nws mus rau cov qub tub rog lub tsev kho mob nyob hauv Barracks. Frank suffered from chronic kidney trouble, but heart disease was making him feel ill. Me ntsis li ob lub lis piam tom qab, Frank Moellenberg tso tseg nyob rau hnub tim 14, 1941.


St. Tsev teev ntuj Kas Thaus Liv Boniface rau me nyuam. Louis ua ntej mus kaw nyob rau hauv 2005

Pam tuag nws yuav muab rau nws cov me nyuam nkawv. Tsev teev ntuj Boniface ua ntej nws tau interred ntawm cov me nyuam. Peter thiab tojntxas Paul. Rau lwm cov neeg ntawm American Legion ncej 162 tau pom zoo rau npe ncej ntawm yawm ntawm hais tiag. Txij hnub ntawd los tau, yuav muab kaw mus txog, Nws hu ua ncaj Moellenberg American Legion ncej 162.

St. Boniface Church lasted a little longer than the post, but it closed in 2005 vim ib congregation shrinking. Hnub no, Nws yog tus kaus ntxhw tsev ua yeeb yam.

Frank Moellenberg yuav tsis zoo paub rau me nyuam. Louis today but in the 1920s and 1930s he was an important part of the city’s fabric.

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